New Spotlight: Tjing

In this Partner Spotlight, we're in conversation with Marcus Ivarsson, the Founder of Tjing. Tjing is at the forefront of financial education, offering an immersive pocket money app that helps children understand and engage with money.

During the interview, Marcus discusses the power of experiential, gamified learning and elaborates on how Tjing's app cultivates a mature relationship with money among its young users.

He also shares his insights on our partnership and explains how Enable Banking's open API allows Tjing to maintain a high standard of privacy and security. In an era where the safeguarding of personal information is paramount, particularly when children are involved, we're thrilled to be part of Tjing's journey as they redefine, enhance, and lead in this important space.

Discover more by watching the complete interview and learn about the pioneering future of financial literacy from an innovator in the field.


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