API reference

Scroll down for example requests and responses.

Base URLs:

# Flow diagrams

# Account information flow

AIS flow diagram

  1. Application (i.e. API client) makes GET /aspsps request to obtain a list of available ASPSPs along with necessary meta data. Alternatively, the list of ASPSP can be displayed using the ASPSP selection UI widget.

  2. List of available ASPSPs is returned and displayed to a PSU.

  3. The PSU selects desired ASPSP and an application makes POST /auth request, specifying desired ASPSP and providing information about needed access rights.

  4. Enable Banking starts authorisation in a desired ASPSP.

  5. Enable Banking responds to the client with a redirect url to a Enable Banking page, where PSU needs to be redirected.

  6. The PSU is redirected to the Enable Banking page.

  7. After the PSU is redirected, Enable Banking does interactions with an ASPSP necessary to get authorised access to the PSU's account.

    These actions are ASPSP-specific and may be different depending of the authentication method (which may be specified at step 3).

  8. The PSU is redirected to the callback URL provided by the application with additional parameters added in its query string.

  9. If the authorisation went successfully then query string from step 8 will contain code parameter, which needs to be sent in POST /sessions request.

  10. The Enable Banking API will respond with created session_id along with a list of accessible accounts and their details.

    Note that some of the information returned in that call is shown only once.

    After successfull response to POST /sessions request the application can start making requests to Enable Banking API to fetch information about session, account balances and transactions.

Possible query parameters returned in the step 8 (parameters follow The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework (opens new window)):

  1. code — authorisation code.
  2. state — same as state, provided in the step 1.
  3. error — error code
  4. error_description — human-readable error description

Possible error descriptions:

  • Denied data sharing consent — user cancelled authentication before accepting data sharing consent (error code is access_denied)
  • Cancelled by user — user cancelled authorisation of access to account information (error code is access_denied). There are also arbitrary error descriptions possible, which are coming from ASPSPs.

# Payment initiation flow

PIS flow diagram

  1. Application (i.e. API client) makes GET /aspsps request to obtain a list of available ASPSPs along with necessary meta data. Alternatively, the list of ASPSP can be displayed using the ASPSP selection UI widget.

  2. List of available ASPSPs is returned and displayed to a PSU.

  3. The PSU selects desired ASPSP and the application makes POST /payments request, specifying a desired ASPSP, providing details for the payment to be initiated and other details such as callback URL, preferred authentication method, etc.

  4. Enable Banking responds to the application with an ID assigned to the payment and a URL of the page, where PSU needs to be redirected.

  5. The PSU is redirected to the Enable Banking page, where they shall review payment details and terms of the service.

  6. After the PSU accepted term of service, Enable Banking does interactions with the ASPSP necessary to initiate the payment and complete its authorisation.

    These actions are ASPSP-specific and may be different depending of the authentication method (which may be specified at step 3).

  7. The PSU is redirected to the callback URL provided by the application with additional parameters added in its query string.

Possible query parameters returned in the step 7:

  1. state — same as state, provided in the step 1.
  2. error — error code
  3. error_description — human-readable error description

Possible error descriptions:

  • Cancelled by user — user cancelled authorisation of the payment (error code is access_denied). There are also arbitrary error descriptions possible, which are coming from ASPSPs.

# Authentication

In order to get access to this API you need to:

  • Generate a private RSA key and a self-signed certificate;
  • Upload the certificate to enablebanking.com and get application ID;
  • Construct JWT with the data described below and signed with your private key;
  • Send the JWT in the Authorization header.

# Private key and certificate generation

Generating private RSA key

openssl genrsa -out private.key 4096

OpenSSL CLI can be used for generation of a private key and self-signed certificate.

Make sure you keep the private key in secret (e.g. don't expose it to client, share with anyone nor embed into mobile or other apps intalled to user devices).

Generating self-signed certificate

openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key private.key -out public.crt -subj "/C=FI/ST=Uusima/L=Helsinki/O=ExampleOrganisation/CN=www.bigorg.com"

You should replace values under -subj with appropriate values.

Alternatively you can use the private key generated in your browser when registering a new application. Just choose Generate in the browser (using SubtleCrypto) and export private key option when registering an application, and the private key will be exported after the application has been registered (the corresponding certificate will be used for the app registration).

# Certificate upload and application registration

To register a new application you need to have an account on the Enable Banking Control Panel (opens new window). You can create one by visiting https://enablebanking.com/sign-in/ (opens new window) and entering your email address (a one-time authentication link will be sent to your email address).

In the app registration form (opens new window) you will be asked to upload the public certificate that you created for the application being registered.

An application can be registered to either PRODUCTION (aka "live") or SANDBOX (aka "simulation") environment. Applications can not be transferred from the sandbox to the production environment and vice versa.

Applications registered into the sandbox environment are activated automatically. Applications registered to the production environment at first appear as pending and will be activated either after contractual formalities for the use of the API are cleared or after you whitelist your own accounts. For more information please contact us at info@enablebanking.com.

Application registration API

You can also register an application sending POST request containing JSON with the application details and public certificate to https://enablebanking.com/api/applications endpoint.

The JSON body for the endpoint is to include the following fields:

  • "certificate": Content of the certificate or public key of the application (always required)
  • "environment": Environment (SANDBOX or PRODUCTION) in which the application will operate (always required)
  • "name": Name of the application being registered (always required)
  • "redirect_urls": List of allowed redirect URLs for the application (always required)
  • "description": Description of the application being registered (required when the environment field is set to PRODUCTION)
  • "gdpr_email": Email address for data protection matters (required when the environment field is set to PRODUCTION)
  • "privacy_url": URL of the application's privacy policy (required when the environment field is set to PRODUCTION)
  • "terms_url": URL of the application's terms of service (required when the environment field is set to PRODUCTION)

App registration example using curl

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-JWT-ON-ENABLEBANKING-COM" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "{\"name\":\"My app\",\"certificate\":\"$(cat public.crt | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|/\\n/g')\",\"environment\":\"SANDBOX\",\"redirect_urls\":[\"https://example.org/\"]}" \

In response to the app registration request, you will receive an ID assigned to your application, which is to be used when forming JTW token.

Example response

  "app_id": "cf589be3-3755-465b-a8df-a90a16a31403"

# JWT format and signature

JWT example


You can read more about JWT here: https://jwt.io/introduction/

JWT header must contain following fields:

  • "typ": "JWT" (always the same)
  • "alg": "RS256" (always the same, only RS256 is supported)
  • "kid": "<application_id>" (application id obtained after certificate upload)

JWT body must contain following fields:

  • "iss": "enablebanking.com" (always the same)
  • "aud": "api.enablebanking.com" (always the same, formerly had to be "api.tilisy.com", which is now depricated)
  • "iat": 1601456603 (timestamp when the token is being created)
  • "exp": 1601460262 (timestamp when the token expires)

Maximum allowed time-to-live for token is 86400 seconds (24 hours). Tokens created with longer TTL are not accepted by the API.

Check code samples in C#, Node.js, PHP, Python and Ruby in our Github repository (opens new window)


# Send request with JWT provided

Example request

GET https://api.enablebanking.com/application HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiAiSldUIiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiAiY2Y1ODliZTMtMzc1NS00NjViLWE4ZGYtYTkwYTE2YTMxNDAzIn0.eyJpc3MiOiAiZW5hYmxlYmFua2luZy5jb20iLCAiYXVkIjogImFwaS5lbmFibGViYW5raW5nLmNvbSIsICJpYXQiOiAxNjAxNDU2NzY4LCAiZXhwIjogMTYwMTU0MzE2OH0.daO3ENSYIA3ud7Ay7uGQ0xxqq9r4_WLcM5SbrN_6_fqsFZXFdoGQA5nKiyP8Ot4nWdYcZvaNWxEAOIodUFndOP8pjihF9-rMXuNGEjde1cq2WjYzKwiIeodUej8okDWdB--szcgurzGMd8RRMjqr951PWqnXS-PbrRsavDHp8l2q4YBjh2m80nRruKnQCAn0dtm4A5G9rZaEowo9z-c8HJU101jKddyOpHhl9UvxVrERzHtyO4LdidiP4rP1hmaVMWybSbcIMI_h30qjqWP21kYRH9ENITTttbf0uZIa8s74jKYxNIdiiDyRaq9WjoPolrHI_ZxcMjp8mmCKX-N-1w

In order to authenticate your application, you need to provide JWT in the "Authorization" header of your request.

# User sessions

The following operations can be used to initiate and complete end-user authorization for access to account information. The other operations provide possibility to retrieve session status and other details and to close (delete) a session.

# Start user authorization

POST /auth

Start authorization by getting a redirect link and redirecting a PSU to that link


Name In Type Required Description
body body StartAuthorizationRequest true none


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

POST https://api.enablebanking.com/auth HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

Request body

  "access": {
    "valid_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
  "aspsp": {
    "name": "Nordea",
    "country": "FI"
  "state": "3a57e2d3-2e0c-4336-af9b-7fa94f0606a3",
  "redirect_url": "http://example.com",
  "psu_type": "business",
  "auth_method": "methodName",
  "credentials": {
    "userId": "MyUsername"
  "credentials_autosubmit": true,
  "language": "fi",
  "psu_id": "string"


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response StartAuthorizationResponse
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "url": "https://tilisy.enablebanking.com/welcome?sessionid=73100c65-c54d-46a1-87d1-aa3effde435a",
  "authorization_id": "73100c65-c54d-46a1-87d1-aa3effde435a",
  "psu_id_hash": "string"

# Authorize user session

POST /sessions

Authorize user session by provided authorization code


Name In Type Required Description
body body AuthorizeSessionRequest true none


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

POST https://api.enablebanking.com/sessions HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

Request body

  "code": "string"


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response AuthorizeSessionResponse
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "session_id": "string",
  "accounts": [
      "account_id": {
        "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
      "all_account_ids": [
          "identification": "123456",
          "scheme_name": "BBAN"
      "account_servicer": {
        "bic_fi": "string",
        "clearing_system_member_id": {
          "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
          "member_id": 20368
        "name": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "details": "string",
      "usage": "PRIV",
      "cash_account_type": "CACC",
      "product": "string",
      "currency": "string",
      "psu_status": "string",
      "credit_limit": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "1.23"
      "legal_age": true,
      "postal_address": {
        "address_type": "Business",
        "department": "Department of resources",
        "sub_department": "Sub Department of resources",
        "street_name": "Vasavagen",
        "building_number": "4",
        "post_code": "00123",
        "town_name": "Helsinki",
        "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
        "country": "FI",
        "address_line": [
          "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
          "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
      "uid": "07cc67f4-45d6-494b-adac-09b5cbc7e2b5",
      "identification_hash": "WwpbCiJhY2NvdW50IiwKImFjY291bnRfaWQiLAoiaWJhbiIKXQpd.E8GzhnnsFC7K+4e3YMYYKpyM83Zx6toXrjgcvPP/Lqc=",
      "identification_hashes": [
  "aspsp": {
    "name": "Nordea",
    "country": "FI"
  "psu_type": "business",
  "access": {
    "valid_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

# Get session data

GET /sessions/{session_id}

Get session data by session ID


Name In Type Required Description
session_id path string(uuid) true Previously authorized session ID


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

GET https://api.enablebanking.com/sessions/{session_id} HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response GetSessionResponse
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "access": {
    "valid_until": "2020-12-01T12:00:00.000000+00:00"
  "accounts": [
  "accounts_data": [
      "identification_hash": "WwpbCiJhY2NvdW50IiwKImFjY291bnRfaWQiLAoiaWJhbiIKXQpd.E8GzhnnsFC7K+4e3YMYYKpyM83Zx6toXrjgcvPP/Lqc=",
      "uid": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
  "aspsp": {
    "country": "FI",
    "name": "Nordea"
  "authorized": "2020-12-01T12:00:00.000000+00:00",
  "created": "2020-12-01T12:00:00.000000+00:00",
  "psu_type": "business",
  "status": "AUTHORIZED"

# Delete session

DELETE /sessions/{session_id}

Delete session by session ID. PSU's bank consent will be closed automatically if possible


Name In Type Required Description
session_id path string(uuid) true Previously authorized session ID
Psu-Ip-Address header string false PSU IP address
Psu-User-Agent header string false PSU browser User Agent
Psu-Referer header string false PSU Referer
Psu-Accept header string false PSU accept header
Psu-Accept-Charset header string false PSU charset
Psu-Accept-Encoding header string false PSU accept encoding
Psu-Accept-language header string false PSU accept language
Psu-Geo-Location header string false Comma separated latitude and longitude coordinates without spaces


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

DELETE https://api.enablebanking.com/sessions/{session_id} HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Accept: application/json
Psu-Ip-Address: string
Psu-User-Agent: string
Psu-Referer: string
Psu-Accept: string
Psu-Accept-Charset: string
Psu-Accept-Encoding: string
Psu-Accept-language: string
Psu-Geo-Location: -1.2345,6.789
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response SuccessResponse
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "message": "OK"

# Accounts data

# Get account details

GET /accounts/{account_id}/details

Fetching account details from ASPSP for an account by its ID


Name In Type Required Description
account_id path string(uuid) true Account ID
Psu-Ip-Address header string false PSU IP address
Psu-User-Agent header string false PSU browser User Agent
Psu-Referer header string false PSU Referer
Psu-Accept header string false PSU accept header
Psu-Accept-Charset header string false PSU charset
Psu-Accept-Encoding header string false PSU accept encoding
Psu-Accept-language header string false PSU accept language
Psu-Geo-Location header string false Comma separated latitude and longitude coordinates without spaces


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

GET https://api.enablebanking.com/accounts/{account_id}/details HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Accept: application/json
Psu-Ip-Address: string
Psu-User-Agent: string
Psu-Referer: string
Psu-Accept: string
Psu-Accept-Charset: string
Psu-Accept-Encoding: string
Psu-Accept-language: string
Psu-Geo-Location: -1.2345,6.789
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response AccountResource
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "account_id": {
    "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
  "all_account_ids": [
      "identification": "123456",
      "scheme_name": "BBAN"
  "account_servicer": {
    "bic_fi": "string",
    "clearing_system_member_id": {
      "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
      "member_id": 20368
    "name": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "details": "string",
  "usage": "PRIV",
  "cash_account_type": "CACC",
  "product": "string",
  "currency": "string",
  "psu_status": "string",
  "credit_limit": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"
  "legal_age": true,
  "postal_address": {
    "address_type": "Business",
    "department": "Department of resources",
    "sub_department": "Sub Department of resources",
    "street_name": "Vasavagen",
    "building_number": "4",
    "post_code": "00123",
    "town_name": "Helsinki",
    "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
    "country": "FI",
    "address_line": [
      "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
      "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
  "uid": "07cc67f4-45d6-494b-adac-09b5cbc7e2b5",
  "identification_hash": "WwpbCiJhY2NvdW50IiwKImFjY291bnRfaWQiLAoiaWJhbiIKXQpd.E8GzhnnsFC7K+4e3YMYYKpyM83Zx6toXrjgcvPP/Lqc=",
  "identification_hashes": [

# Get account balances

GET /accounts/{account_id}/balances

Fetching account balances from ASPSP for an account by its ID


Name In Type Required Description
account_id path string(uuid) true PSU account ID accessible in the provided session
Psu-Ip-Address header string false PSU IP address
Psu-User-Agent header string false PSU browser User Agent
Psu-Referer header string false PSU Referer
Psu-Accept header string false PSU accept header
Psu-Accept-Charset header string false PSU charset
Psu-Accept-Encoding header string false PSU accept encoding
Psu-Accept-language header string false PSU accept language
Psu-Geo-Location header string false Comma separated latitude and longitude coordinates without spaces


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

GET https://api.enablebanking.com/accounts/{account_id}/balances HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Accept: application/json
Psu-Ip-Address: string
Psu-User-Agent: string
Psu-Referer: string
Psu-Accept: string
Psu-Accept-Charset: string
Psu-Accept-Encoding: string
Psu-Accept-language: string
Psu-Geo-Location: -1.2345,6.789
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response HalBalances
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "balances": [
      "name": "Booked balance",
      "balance_amount": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "1.23"
      "balance_type": "CLAV",
      "last_change_date_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "reference_date": "2019-08-24",
      "last_committed_transaction": "4604aa90f8a8418092d80c3270846f0a"

# Get account transactions

GET /accounts/{account_id}/transactions

Fetching account transactions from ASPSP for an account by its ID


Name In Type Required Description
account_id path string(uuid) true PSU account ID accessible in the provided session
date_from query string(date) false Date to fetch transactions from (including the date, UTC timezone is assumed)
date_to query string(date) false Date to fetch transactions to (including the date, UTC timezone is assumed)
continuation_key query string false Key, allowing iterate over multiple API pages of transactions
transaction_status query TransactionStatus false Filter transactions by provided status
strategy query TransactionsFetchStrategy false Strategy how transaction are fetched
Psu-Ip-Address header string false PSU IP address
Psu-User-Agent header string false PSU browser User Agent
Psu-Referer header string false PSU Referer
Psu-Accept header string false PSU accept header
Psu-Accept-Charset header string false PSU charset
Psu-Accept-Encoding header string false PSU accept encoding
Psu-Accept-language header string false PSU accept language
Psu-Geo-Location header string false Comma separated latitude and longitude coordinates without spaces


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

GET https://api.enablebanking.com/accounts/{account_id}/transactions HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Accept: application/json
Psu-Ip-Address: string
Psu-User-Agent: string
Psu-Referer: string
Psu-Accept: string
Psu-Accept-Charset: string
Psu-Accept-Encoding: string
Psu-Accept-language: string
Psu-Geo-Location: -1.2345,6.789
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response HalTransactions
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "transactions": [
      "entry_reference": "5561990681",
      "merchant_category_code": "5511",
      "transaction_amount": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "1.23"
      "creditor": {
        "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
        "postal_address": {
          "address_line": [
            "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
            "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
          "address_type": "Business",
          "building_number": "4",
          "country": "FI",
          "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
          "department": "Department of resources",
          "post_code": "00123",
          "street_name": "Vasavagen",
          "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
          "town_name": "Helsinki"
      "creditor_account": {
        "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
      "creditor_agent": {
        "bic_fi": "string",
        "clearing_system_member_id": {
          "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
          "member_id": 20368
        "name": "string"
      "debtor": {
        "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
        "postal_address": {
          "address_line": [
            "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
            "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
          "address_type": "Business",
          "building_number": "4",
          "country": "FI",
          "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
          "department": "Department of resources",
          "post_code": "00123",
          "street_name": "Vasavagen",
          "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
          "town_name": "Helsinki"
      "debtor_account": {
        "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
      "debtor_agent": {
        "bic_fi": "string",
        "clearing_system_member_id": {
          "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
          "member_id": 20368
        "name": "string"
      "bank_transaction_code": {
        "description": "Utlandsbetalning",
        "code": "12",
        "sub_code": "32"
      "credit_debit_indicator": "CRDT",
      "status": "BOOK",
      "booking_date": "2020-01-03",
      "value_date": "2020-01-02",
      "transaction_date": "2020-01-01",
      "balance_after_transaction": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "1.23"
      "reference_number": "RF07850352502356628678117",
      "remittance_information": [
        "Gift for Alex"
      "debtor_account_additional_identification": {
        "identification": "12345678",
        "scheme_name": "CPAN"
      "creditor_account_additional_identification": {
        "identification": "12345678",
        "scheme_name": "BBAN"
      "exchange_rate": {
        "unit_currency": "EUR",
        "exchange_rate": "string",
        "rate_type": "SPOT",
        "contract_identification": "string",
        "instructed_amount": {
          "currency": "EUR",
          "amount": "1.23"
      "note": "string",
      "transaction_id": "string"
  "continuation_key": "string"

# Get transaction details

GET /accounts/{account_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}

Fetching transaction details from ASPSP for an account transaction by its ID


Name In Type Required Description
account_id path string(uuid) true Account ID
transaction_id path string true Transaction ID
Psu-Ip-Address header string false PSU IP address
Psu-User-Agent header string false PSU browser User Agent
Psu-Referer header string false PSU Referer
Psu-Accept header string false PSU accept header
Psu-Accept-Charset header string false PSU charset
Psu-Accept-Encoding header string false PSU accept encoding
Psu-Accept-language header string false PSU accept language
Psu-Geo-Location header string false Comma separated latitude and longitude coordinates without spaces


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

GET https://api.enablebanking.com/accounts/{account_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Accept: application/json
Psu-Ip-Address: string
Psu-User-Agent: string
Psu-Referer: string
Psu-Accept: string
Psu-Accept-Charset: string
Psu-Accept-Encoding: string
Psu-Accept-language: string
Psu-Geo-Location: -1.2345,6.789
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response Transaction
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "entry_reference": "5561990681",
  "merchant_category_code": "5511",
  "transaction_amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"
  "creditor": {
    "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
    "postal_address": {
      "address_line": [
        "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
        "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
      "address_type": "Business",
      "building_number": "4",
      "country": "FI",
      "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
      "department": "Department of resources",
      "post_code": "00123",
      "street_name": "Vasavagen",
      "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
      "town_name": "Helsinki"
  "creditor_account": {
    "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
  "creditor_agent": {
    "bic_fi": "string",
    "clearing_system_member_id": {
      "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
      "member_id": 20368
    "name": "string"
  "debtor": {
    "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
    "postal_address": {
      "address_line": [
        "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
        "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
      "address_type": "Business",
      "building_number": "4",
      "country": "FI",
      "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
      "department": "Department of resources",
      "post_code": "00123",
      "street_name": "Vasavagen",
      "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
      "town_name": "Helsinki"
  "debtor_account": {
    "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
  "debtor_agent": {
    "bic_fi": "string",
    "clearing_system_member_id": {
      "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
      "member_id": 20368
    "name": "string"
  "bank_transaction_code": {
    "description": "Utlandsbetalning",
    "code": "12",
    "sub_code": "32"
  "credit_debit_indicator": "CRDT",
  "status": "BOOK",
  "booking_date": "2020-01-03",
  "value_date": "2020-01-02",
  "transaction_date": "2020-01-01",
  "balance_after_transaction": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"
  "reference_number": "RF07850352502356628678117",
  "remittance_information": [
    "Gift for Alex"
  "debtor_account_additional_identification": {
    "identification": "12345678",
    "scheme_name": "CPAN"
  "creditor_account_additional_identification": {
    "identification": "12345678",
    "scheme_name": "BBAN"
  "exchange_rate": {
    "unit_currency": "EUR",
    "exchange_rate": "string",
    "rate_type": "SPOT",
    "contract_identification": "string",
    "instructed_amount": {
      "currency": "EUR",
      "amount": "1.23"
  "note": "string",
  "transaction_id": "string"

# Payments

The following operations can be used to initiate a payment and get its status indicating whether the payment was executed, cancelled or rejected.

Please note that in the PRODUCTION environment payment initiation functionality is only available to companies holding a PISP license. To enable payment initiation functionality for your application, please get in touch with us at support.api@enablebanking.com.

In the SANDBOX enviroment payment initiation functionality is automatically enabled for all newly registered applications.

If you are using "on-premise" version on the payment initiation service please consult with this page (opens new window).

# Create payment

POST /payments

Creating a payment consisting of one or multiple payment transactions


Name In Type Required Description
body body CreatePaymentRequest true none


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

POST https://api.enablebanking.com/payments HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

Request body

  "aspsp": {
    "country": "FI",
    "name": "S-Pankki"
  "payment_request": {
    "credit_transfer_transaction": [
        "beneficiary": {
          "creditor": {
            "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
          "creditor_account": {
            "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
            "scheme_name": "IBAN"
        "instructed_amount": {
          "amount": "10.33",
          "currency": "EUR"
  "payment_type": "SEPA",
  "psu_type": "personal",
  "redirect_url": "https://google.com/",
  "state": "b463a960-9616-4df6-909f-f80884190c22"


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response CreatePaymentResponse
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
  "status": "PDNG",
  "url": "https://sandbox.tilisy.com/pis/start?payment_id=9bbd806c-f144-4eb5-8eb7-48650ff4d56b"

# Get payment

GET /payments/{payment_id}

Fetching payment status and details


Name In Type Required Description
payment_id path string true Payment ID


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

GET https://api.enablebanking.com/payments/{payment_id} HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response GetPaymentResponse
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "payment_id": "d43b87f9-9e28-4802-8eaa-6ee91a40ea71",
  "status": "ACCC",
  "payment_details": {
    "credit_transfer_transaction": [
        "beneficiary": {
          "creditor": {
            "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
          "creditor_account": {
            "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
            "scheme_name": "IBAN"
        "instructed_amount": {
          "amount": "10.33",
          "currency": "EUR"
    "debtor_account": {
      "identification": "FI7727551317119265",
      "scheme_name": "IBAN"
  "final_status": true,
  "status_reason_information": {
    "status_reason_code": "string",
    "status_reason_description": "string"

# Get payment transaction

GET /payments/{payment_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}

Fetching transaction details for a single transaction within a bulk payment


Name In Type Required Description
payment_id path string true Payment ID
transaction_id path string true Transaction ID


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

GET https://api.enablebanking.com/payments/{payment_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response GetPaymentTransactionResponse
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "payment_id": "d43b87f9-9e28-4802-8eaa-6ee91a40ea71",
  "transaction_details": {
    "instructed_amount": {
      "currency": "EUR",
      "amount": "1.23"
    "beneficiary": {
      "creditor": {
        "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
      "creditor_account": {
        "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
        "scheme_name": "IBAN"
    "payment_id": {
      "instruction_id": "string",
      "end_to_end_id": "string"
    "requested_execution_date": "2019-08-24",
    "reference_number": "string",
    "end_date": "2019-08-24",
    "execution_rule": "FWNG",
    "frequency": "DAIL",
    "ultimate_debtor": {
      "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
      "postal_address": {
        "address_line": [
          "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
          "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
        "address_type": "Business",
        "building_number": "4",
        "country": "FI",
        "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
        "department": "Department of resources",
        "post_code": "00123",
        "street_name": "Vasavagen",
        "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
        "town_name": "Helsinki"
    "ultimate_creditor": {
      "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
      "postal_address": {
        "address_line": [
          "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
          "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
        "address_type": "Business",
        "building_number": "4",
        "country": "FI",
        "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
        "department": "Department of resources",
        "post_code": "00123",
        "street_name": "Vasavagen",
        "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
        "town_name": "Helsinki"
    "regulatory_reporting": [
        "authority": {
          "country": "string",
          "name": "string"
        "details": {
          "amount": {
            "currency": "EUR",
            "amount": "1.23"
          "code": "string",
          "information": "string"
    "remittance_information": [
    "transaction_id": "string",
    "transaction_status": "ACCC"

# Misc

Operations in this section are auxiliary. One provides the possibility to retrieve a list of ASPSPs (i.e. banks and similar institutions), which are available for retrieval of account information and initiation of payments. The other provides details of the API client application making corresponding request.

# Get list of ASPSPs

GET /aspsps

Get list of ASPSPs with their meta information


Name In Type Required Description
country query string false Display only ASPSPs from specified country
psu_type query PSUType false Display only ASPSPs which support specified psu type
service query Service false Display only ASPSPs which support specified service
payment_type query PaymentType false Display only ASPSPs which support specified payment type


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

GET https://api.enablebanking.com/aspsps HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response GetAspspsResponse
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "aspsps": [
      "auth_methods": [
          "approach": "REDIRECT",
          "credentials": [
              "description": "Business identity code (Y-tunnus) in 1234567-8 format",
              "name": "companyId",
              "required": true,
              "template": "^\\d{7}-\\d$",
              "title": "Company ID"
          "hidden_method": false,
          "name": "MTA",
          "psu_type": "business"
      "beta": false,
      "bic": "NDEAFIHH",
      "country": "FI",
      "logo": "https://enablebanking.com/brands/FI/Nordea/",
      "maximum_consent_validity": 15552000,
      "name": "Nordea",
      "payments": [
          "allowed_auth_methods": [
          "charge_bearer_values": [
          "creditor_account_schemas": [
          "creditor_agent_bic_fi_required": false,
          "creditor_agent_clearing_system_member_id_required": false,
          "creditor_country_required": false,
          "creditor_name_required": false,
          "creditor_postal_address_required": false,
          "currencies": [
          "debtor_account_required": true,
          "debtor_account_schemas": [
          "debtor_contact_email_required": false,
          "debtor_contact_phone_required": false,
          "debtor_currency_required": false,
          "max_transactions": 1,
          "payment_type": "SEPA",
          "priority_codes": [
          "psu_type": "business",
          "reference_number_schemas": [
          "reference_number_supported": true,
          "regulatory_reporting_code_required": false,
          "remittance_information_lines": [
              "max_length": 140,
              "min_length": 1,
              "pattern": "^.{1,140}$"
          "remittance_information_required": true,
          "requested_execution_date_max_period": 365,
          "requested_execution_date_supported": true
      "psu_types": [
      "required_psu_headers": [

# Get application

GET /application

Get application associated with provided JWT key ID


To make this opteration, API requests must include Authorization header containing JWT calculated using private RSA key of the client application making the request. See jwtAuthentication.

Example request

GET https://api.enablebanking.com/application HTTP/1.1
Host: api.enablebanking.com
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Status Description Schema
200 Successful Response GetApplicationResponse
400 Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized ErrorResponse
403 Forbidden ErrorResponse
404 Not Found ErrorResponse
408 Request Timeout ErrorResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity ErrorResponse
429 Too Many Requests ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "kid": "string",
  "environment": "SANDBOX",
  "redirect_urls": [
  "active": true,
  "countries": [
  "services": [

# Schemas



Name Type Required Description
name string true Name of the ASPSP (i.e. a bank or a similar financial institution)
country string true Two-letter ISO 3166 code of the country, in which ASPSP operates
  "name": "Nordea",
  "country": "FI"



Name Type Required Description
name string true Name of the ASPSP (i.e. a bank or a similar financial institution)
country string true Two-letter ISO 3166 code of the country, in which ASPSP operates
logo string(uri) true ASPSP logo URL. It is possible to transform (e.g. resize) the logo by adding special suffixes at the end of the URL. For example, -/resize/500x/. For full list of possible transformations, please refer to https://uploadcare.com/docs/transformations/image/
psu_types [PSUType] true List of PSU types supported by ASPSP
auth_methods [AuthMethod] true List of available authentication methods. Provided in case multiple methods are available or it is possible to supply authentication credentials while initiating authorization.
maximum_consent_validity integer true Maximum consent validity which bank supports in seconds
sandbox SandboxInfo false Applicable only to sandbox environment. Additional information necessary to use sandbox environment.
beta boolean true Flag showing whether implementation is in beta mode
bic string false BIC of the ASPSP
required_psu_headers [string] false List of the headers required to indicate to data retrieval endpoints that PSU is online. Either all required PSU headers or none of them are to be provided, otherwise PSU_HEADER_NOT_PROVIDED error will be returned.
payments [ResponsePaymentType] false Supported payment types by country and their properties
group ASPSPGroup false Group, which the ASPSP belongs to
  "auth_methods": [
      "approach": "REDIRECT",
      "credentials": [
          "description": "Business identity code (Y-tunnus) in 1234567-8 format",
          "name": "companyId",
          "required": true,
          "template": "^\\d{7}-\\d$",
          "title": "Company ID"
      "hidden_method": false,
      "name": "MTA",
      "psu_type": "business"
  "beta": false,
  "bic": "NDEAFIHH",
  "country": "FI",
  "logo": "https://enablebanking.com/brands/FI/Nordea/",
  "maximum_consent_validity": 15552000,
  "name": "Nordea",
  "payments": [
      "allowed_auth_methods": [
      "charge_bearer_values": [
      "creditor_account_schemas": [
      "creditor_agent_bic_fi_required": false,
      "creditor_agent_clearing_system_member_id_required": false,
      "creditor_country_required": false,
      "creditor_name_required": false,
      "creditor_postal_address_required": false,
      "currencies": [
      "debtor_account_required": true,
      "debtor_account_schemas": [
      "debtor_contact_email_required": false,
      "debtor_contact_phone_required": false,
      "debtor_currency_required": false,
      "max_transactions": 1,
      "payment_type": "SEPA",
      "priority_codes": [
      "psu_type": "business",
      "reference_number_schemas": [
      "reference_number_supported": true,
      "regulatory_reporting_code_required": false,
      "remittance_information_lines": [
          "max_length": 140,
          "min_length": 1,
          "pattern": "^.{1,140}$"
      "remittance_information_required": true,
      "requested_execution_date_max_period": 365,
      "requested_execution_date_supported": true
  "psu_types": [
  "required_psu_headers": [

# ASPSPGroup


Name Type Required Description
name string true Name of the group, which the ASPSP belongs to
logo string(uri) true URL of the logo for the group to which the ASPSP belongs. This URL supports the same transformation postfixes as ASPSP logo URLs.
  "name": "Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken",
  "logo": "https://enablebanking.com/brands/DE/Volksbanken%20Raiffeisenbanken/"

# Access


Name Type Required Description
accounts [AccountIdentification] false List of accounts access to which is requested. If not set behaviour depends on the
bank: some banks allow users to choose list of accessible accounts through their
access consent UI, while other may provide access to all accounts or just access to
the list of accounts.
balances boolean false Request consent with balances access
transactions boolean false Request consent with transactions access
valid_until string(date-time) true This parameter specifies the date and time until which the authorised session
remains valid. The value must be in the RFC3339 date-time format with a timezone
offset, e.g. 2025-12-01T12:00:00.000000+00:00. The provided value cannot exceed
the date and time, calculated as "now" + maximum_consent_validity (provided in
seconds for each ASPSP in response to the GET /aspsps request). The provided value
is subject to adjustment to comply with the ASPSP's requirements. Specifically, if
the provided value is less than the minimum consent validity allowed by the ASPSP
(e.g., some ASPSPs require a minimum of 1 hour or 1 day), the consent validity will
be adjusted to meet these requirements. However, the session validity will remain
exactly as specified. This means that even if the consent remains valid on the
ASPSP's side, the session will expire based on the initially provided value.
  "valid_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

# AccountIdentification


Name Type Required Description
iban string false International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identification used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and content of the IBAN can be found in the standard ISO 13616 "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account Number (IBAN)" version 1997-10-01, or later revisions.
other GenericIdentification false Other identification if iban is not provided
  "iban": "FI0455231152453547"

# AccountResource


Name Type Required Description
account_id AccountIdentification false Primary account identifier
all_account_ids [GenericIdentification] false All account identifiers provided by ASPSPs (including primary identifier available in the accountId field)
account_servicer FinancialInstitutionIdentification false Information about the financial institution servicing the account
name string false Account holder(s) name
details string false Account description set by PSU or provided by ASPSP
usage Usage false Specifies the usage of the account
cash_account_type CashAccountType true Specifies the type of the account
product string false Product Name of the Bank for this account, proprietary definition
currency string true Specifies the currency of the account
psu_status string false Relationship between the PSU and the account - Account Holder - Co-account Holder - Attorney
credit_limit AmountType false Specifies credit limit of the account
legal_age boolean false Specifies whether Enable Banking is confident that the account holder is of legal age or is a minor. The field takes the following values:
true if the account holder is of legal age;
false if the account holder is a minor;
null (or the field is not set) if it is not possible to determine whether the account holder is of legal age or a minor or if the legal age check is not applicable (in cases such as if the account holder is a legal entity or there are multiple account co-holders)
postal_address PostalAddress false Postal address of the account holder
uid string(uuid) false Unique account identificator used for fetching account balances and transactions. It is valid only until the session to which the account belongs is in the AUTHORIZED status. It can be not set in case it is know that it is not possible to fetch balances and transactions for the account (for example, in case the account is blocked or closed at the ASPSP side).
identification_hash string true Primary account identification hash. It can be used for matching accounts between multiple sessions (even in case the sessions are authorized by different PSUs).
identification_hashes [string] true List of possible account identification hashes. Identification hash is based on the account number. Some accounts may have multiple account numbers (e.g. IBAN and BBAN). This field contains all possible hashes. Not all of these hashes can be used to uniquely identify an account and that the primary goal of them is to be able to fuzzy matching of accounts by certain properties. Primary hash is included in this list.
  "account_id": {
    "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
  "all_account_ids": [
      "identification": "123456",
      "scheme_name": "BBAN"
  "account_servicer": {
    "bic_fi": "string",
    "clearing_system_member_id": {
      "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
      "member_id": 20368
    "name": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "details": "string",
  "usage": "PRIV",
  "cash_account_type": "CACC",
  "product": "string",
  "currency": "string",
  "psu_status": "string",
  "credit_limit": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"
  "legal_age": true,
  "postal_address": {
    "address_type": "Business",
    "department": "Department of resources",
    "sub_department": "Sub Department of resources",
    "street_name": "Vasavagen",
    "building_number": "4",
    "post_code": "00123",
    "town_name": "Helsinki",
    "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
    "country": "FI",
    "address_line": [
      "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
      "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
  "uid": "07cc67f4-45d6-494b-adac-09b5cbc7e2b5",
  "identification_hash": "WwpbCiJhY2NvdW50IiwKImFjY291bnRfaWQiLAoiaWJhbiIKXQpd.E8GzhnnsFC7K+4e3YMYYKpyM83Zx6toXrjgcvPP/Lqc=",
  "identification_hashes": [

# AddressType

Enumerated Values

Value Description
Business Business
Correspondence Correspondence
DeliveryTo DeliveryTo
MailTo MailTo
Postal Postal
Residential Residential
Statement Statement

# AmountType


Name Type Required Description
currency string true ISO 4217 code of the currency of the amount
amount string true Numerical value or monetary figure associated with a particular transaction, representing balance on an account, a fee or similar. Represented as a decimal number, using . (dot) as a decimal separator. Allowed precision (number of digits after the decimal separator) varies depending on the currency and is validated differently depending on the context.
  "currency": "EUR",
  "amount": "1.23"

# AuthMethod


Name Type Required Description
name string false Internal name of the authentication method
title string false Human-readable title of the authentication method
psu_type PSUType true PSU type to which the authentication method is applicable
credentials [Credential] false List of credentials which are possible to supply while initiating authorization
approach AuthenticationApproach true Authentication approach used in the current authentication method
hidden_method boolean true Flag showing whether the current authentication method is hidden from the user. If true then the user will not be able to select this authentication method. It is only possible to select this authentication method via API.
  "name": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "psu_type": "business",
  "credentials": [
      "name": "userId",
      "title": "User ID",
      "required": true,
      "description": "Your identifier used for logging in to online banking",
      "template": "^\\d{8}$"
  "approach": "REDIRECT",
  "hidden_method": true

# AuthenticationApproach

Enumerated Values

Value Description
DECOUPLED The TPP identifies the PSU and forwards the identification to the ASPSP which processes the authentication through a decoupled device
EMBEDDED The TPP identifies the PSU and forwards the identification to the ASPSP which starts the authentication. The TPP forwards one authentication factor of the PSU (e.g. OTP or response to a challenge)
REDIRECT The PSU is redirected by the TPP to the ASPSP which processes identification and authentication

# AuthorizeSessionRequest


Name Type Required Description
code string true Authorization code returned when redirecting PSU
  "code": "string"

# AuthorizeSessionResponse


Name Type Required Description
session_id string(uuid4) true ID of the PSU session
accounts [AccountResource] true List of authorized accounts
aspsp ASPSP true ASPSP used with the session
psu_type PSUType true PSU type used with the session
access Access true Scope of access requested from ASPSP and confirmed by PSU
  "session_id": "string",
  "accounts": [
      "account_id": {
        "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
      "all_account_ids": [
          "identification": "123456",
          "scheme_name": "BBAN"
      "account_servicer": {
        "bic_fi": "string",
        "clearing_system_member_id": {
          "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
          "member_id": 20368
        "name": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "details": "string",
      "usage": "PRIV",
      "cash_account_type": "CACC",
      "product": "string",
      "currency": "string",
      "psu_status": "string",
      "credit_limit": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "1.23"
      "legal_age": true,
      "postal_address": {
        "address_type": "Business",
        "department": "Department of resources",
        "sub_department": "Sub Department of resources",
        "street_name": "Vasavagen",
        "building_number": "4",
        "post_code": "00123",
        "town_name": "Helsinki",
        "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
        "country": "FI",
        "address_line": [
          "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
          "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
      "uid": "07cc67f4-45d6-494b-adac-09b5cbc7e2b5",
      "identification_hash": "WwpbCiJhY2NvdW50IiwKImFjY291bnRfaWQiLAoiaWJhbiIKXQpd.E8GzhnnsFC7K+4e3YMYYKpyM83Zx6toXrjgcvPP/Lqc=",
      "identification_hashes": [
  "aspsp": {
    "name": "Nordea",
    "country": "FI"
  "psu_type": "business",
  "access": {
    "valid_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

# BalanceResource


Name Type Required Description
name string true Label of the balance
balance_amount AmountType true Structure aiming to embed the amount and the currency to be used
balance_type BalanceStatus true Available balance type values
last_change_date_time string(date-time) false Timestamp of the last change of the balance amount
reference_date string(date) false Reference date for the balance
last_committed_transaction string false Entry reference of the last transaction contributing to the balance value
  "name": "Booked balance",
  "balance_amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"
  "balance_type": "CLAV",
  "last_change_date_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "reference_date": "2019-08-24",
  "last_committed_transaction": "4604aa90f8a8418092d80c3270846f0a"

# BalanceStatus

Enumerated Values

Value Description
CLAV (ISO20022 Closing Available) Closing available balance
CLBD (ISO20022 ClosingBooked) Accounting Balance
FWAV (ISO20022 ForwardAvailable) Balance that is at the disposal of account holders on the date specified
INFO (ISO20022 Information) Balance for informational purposes
ITAV (ISO20022 InterimAvailable) Available balance calculated in the course of the day
ITBD (ISO20022 InterimBooked) Booked balance calculated in the course of the day
OPAV (ISO20022 OpeningAvailable) Opening balance that is at the disposal of account holders at the beginning of the date specified
OPBD (ISO20022 OpeningBooked) Book balance of the account at the beginning of the account reporting period. It always equals the closing book balance from the previous report
OTHR Other Balance
PRCD (ISO20022 PreviouslyClosedBooked) Balance of the account at the end of the previous reporting period
VALU Value-date balance
XPCD (ISO20022 Expected) Instant Balance

# BankTransactionCode


Name Type Required Description
description string false Arbitrary transaction categorization description
code string false Specifies the family of a transaction within the domain
sub_code string false Specifies the sub-product family of a transaction within a specific family
  "description": "Utlandsbetalning",
  "code": "12",
  "sub_code": "32"

# Beneficiary


Name Type Required Description
creditor_agent FinancialInstitutionIdentification false Identification of the financial institution where the account receiving funds is held
creditor PartyIdentification false Identification of the party receiving funds
creditor_account GenericIdentification true Identification of the account receiving funds
creditor_currency string false ISO 4217 currency code, in which the account receiving funds is held
  "creditor": {
    "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
  "creditor_account": {
    "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
    "scheme_name": "IBAN"

# CashAccountType

Enumerated Values

Value Description
CACC Account used to post debits and credits when no specific account has been nominated
CARD Account used for card payments only
CASH Account used for the payment of cash
LOAN Account used for loans
OTHR Account not otherwise specified
SVGS Account used for savings

# CategoryPurposeCode

Enumerated Values

Value Description
BONU Bonus Payment: Transaction is the payment of a bonus
CASH Cash Management Transfer: Transaction is a general cash management instruction
CBLK Card Bulk Clearing: A Service that is settling money for a bulk of card transactions, while referring to a specific transaction file or other information like terminal ID, card acceptor ID or other transaction details
CCRD Credit Card Payment: Transaction is related to a payment of credit card
CORT Trade Settlement Payment: Transaction is related to settlement of a trade, eg a foreign exchange deal or a securities transaction
DCRD Debit Card Payment: Transaction is related to a payment of debit card
DIVI Dividend: Transaction is the payment of dividends
DVPM Deliver Against Payment: Code used to pre-advise the account servicer of a forthcoming deliver against payment instruction
EPAY Epayment: Transaction is related to ePayment
FCOL Fee Collection: A Service that is settling card transaction related fees between two parties
GOVT Government Payment: Transaction is a payment to or from a government department
HEDG Hedging: Transaction is related to the payment of a hedging operation
ICCP Irrevocable Credit Card Payment: Transaction is reimbursement of credit card payment
IDCP Irrevocable Debit Card Payment: Transaction is reimbursement of debit card payment
INTC Intra Company Payment: Transaction is an intra-company payment, ie, a payment between two companies belonging to the same group
INTE Interest: Transaction is the payment of interest
LOAN Loan: Transaction is related to the transfer of a loan to a borrower
MP2B Commercial Mobile P2B Payment
MP2P Consumer Mobile P2P Payment
OTHR Other Payment: Other payment purpose
PENS Pension Payment: Transaction is the payment of pension
RPRE Represented: Collection used to re-present previously reversed or returned direct debit transactions
RRCT Reimbursement Received Credit Transfer: Transaction is related to a reimbursement for commercial reasons of a correctly received credit transfer
RVPM Receive Against Payment: Code used to pre-advise the account servicer of a forthcoming receive against payment instruction
SALA Salary Payment: Transaction is the payment of salaries
SECU Securities: Transaction is the payment of securities
SSBE Social Security Benefit: Transaction is a social security benefit, ie payment made by a government to support individuals
SUPP Supplier Payment: Transaction is related to a payment to a supplier
TAXS Tax Payment: Transaction is the payment of taxes
TRAD Trade: Transaction is related to the payment of a trade finance transaction
TREA Treasury Payment: Transaction is related to treasury operations. E.g. financial contract settlement
VATX Value Added Tax Payment: Transaction is the payment of value added tax
WHLD With Holding: Transaction is the payment of withholding tax

# ChargeBearerCode

Enumerated Values

Value Description
CRED The Payee (recipient of the payment) will incur all of the payment transaction fees
DEBT The Payer (sender of the payment) will bear all of the payment transaction fees
SHAR Shared. Transaction charges on the sender side are to be borne by the debtor, transaction charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the creditor
SLEV Service level. Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the service level and/or scheme

# ClearingSystemMemberIdentification


Name Type Required Description
clearing_system_id string false Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which the payment instruction is processed.
member_id string false Identification of a member of a clearing system.
  "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
  "member_id": 20368

# ContactDetails


Name Type Required Description
email_address string false Email address of a person
phone_number string false Phone number of a person
  "email_address": "string",
  "phone_number": "string"

# CreatePaymentRequest


Name Type Required Description
payment_type PaymentType true Specifies the type of payment used
payment_request PaymentRequestResource true Specifies the details required to initiate a payment
aspsp ASPSP true ASPSP that PSU is going to be authenticated to
state string true Arbitrary string. Same string will be returned in query parameter when redirecting to the URL passed via redirect_url parameter
redirect_url string(uri) true URL that PSU will be redirected to after authorization
psu_type PSUType true PSU type which consent is created for
credentials object false PSU credentials (User ID, company ID etc.) If not provided, then those are going to be asked from a PSU during authorization
auth_method string false Desired authorization method (in case ASPSP supports multiple). Supported methods can be obtained from ASPSP auth_methods
language string false Preferred PSU language. Two-letter lowercase language code
webhook_url string(uri) false URL that will receive POST requests notifying about payment changes
  "aspsp": {
    "country": "FI",
    "name": "S-Pankki"
  "payment_request": {
    "credit_transfer_transaction": [
        "beneficiary": {
          "creditor": {
            "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
          "creditor_account": {
            "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
            "scheme_name": "IBAN"
        "instructed_amount": {
          "amount": "10.33",
          "currency": "EUR"
  "payment_type": "SEPA",
  "psu_type": "personal",
  "redirect_url": "https://google.com/",
  "state": "b463a960-9616-4df6-909f-f80884190c22"

# CreatePaymentResponse


Name Type Required Description
payment_id string(uuid) true Payment ID
status PaymentStatus true Payment status
url string(uri) true URL to redirect a PSU to
  "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
  "status": "PDNG",
  "url": "https://sandbox.tilisy.com/pis/start?payment_id=9bbd806c-f144-4eb5-8eb7-48650ff4d56b"

# Credential


Name Type Required Description
name string true Internal name of the credential. The name is to be used when passing credentials to the "start user authorization" request
title string true Title for the credential to be displayed to PSU
required boolean true Indication whether the credential is required
description string false Description of the credential to be displayed to PSU
template string false Perl compatible regular expression used for check of the credential format
  "name": "userId",
  "title": "User ID",
  "required": true,
  "description": "Your identifier used for logging in to online banking",
  "template": "^\\d{8}$"

# CreditDebitIndicator

Enumerated Values

Value Description
CRDT Credit type transaction
DBIT Debit type transaction

# CreditTransferTransaction


Name Type Required Description
instructed_amount AmountType true Structure aiming to embed the amount and the currency to be used
beneficiary Beneficiary true Specification of a beneficiary
payment_id PaymentIdentification false Set of elements used to reference a payment instruction
requested_execution_date RequestedExecutionDate false Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment.
This date can be used in the following cases:
- the single requested execution date for a payment having several instructions. In this case, this field must be set at the payment level.
- the requested execution date for a given instruction within a payment. In this case, this field must be set at each instruction level.
- The first date of execution for a standing order.
When the payment cannot be processed at this date, the ASPSP is allowed to shift the applied execution date to the next possible execution date for non-standing orders.
For standing orders, the [executionRule] parameter helps to compute the execution date to be applied.
reference_number ReferenceNumber false This field specifies the reference assigned by the sender to unambiguously identify the message.
end_date EndDate false The last applicable day of execution for a given standing order.
If not given, the standing order is considered as endless.
execution_rule ExecutionRule false Execution date shifting rule for standing orders
frequency FrequencyCode false Frequency rule for standing orders
ultimate_debtor PartyIdentification false Identifies the original party from whom the funds originate in the payment transaction
ultimate_creditor PartyIdentification false Identifies the final party receiving the funds in the payment transaction
regulatory_reporting [RegulatoryReporting] false List of needed regulatory reporting codes for international payments
remittance_information UnstructuredRemittanceInformation false Payment details. For credit transfers may contain free text, reference number or both at the same time (in case Extended Remittance Information is supported). When it is known that remittance information contains a reference number (either based on ISO 11649 or a local scheme), the reference number is also available via the referenceNumber field of the Transaction data structure.
  "instructed_amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"
  "beneficiary": {
    "creditor": {
      "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
    "creditor_account": {
      "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
      "scheme_name": "IBAN"
  "payment_id": {
    "instruction_id": "string",
    "end_to_end_id": "string"
  "requested_execution_date": "2019-08-24",
  "reference_number": "string",
  "end_date": "2019-08-24",
  "execution_rule": "FWNG",
  "frequency": "DAIL",
  "ultimate_debtor": {
    "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
    "postal_address": {
      "address_line": [
        "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
        "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
      "address_type": "Business",
      "building_number": "4",
      "country": "FI",
      "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
      "department": "Department of resources",
      "post_code": "00123",
      "street_name": "Vasavagen",
      "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
      "town_name": "Helsinki"
  "ultimate_creditor": {
    "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
    "postal_address": {
      "address_line": [
        "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
        "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
      "address_type": "Business",
      "building_number": "4",
      "country": "FI",
      "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
      "department": "Department of resources",
      "post_code": "00123",
      "street_name": "Vasavagen",
      "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
      "town_name": "Helsinki"
  "regulatory_reporting": [
      "authority": {
        "country": "string",
        "name": "string"
      "details": {
        "amount": {
          "currency": "EUR",
          "amount": "1.23"
        "code": "string",
        "information": "string"
  "remittance_information": [

# CreditTransferTransactionDetails


Name Type Required Description
instructed_amount AmountType true Structure aiming to embed the amount and the currency to be used
beneficiary Beneficiary true Specification of a beneficiary
payment_id PaymentIdentification false Set of elements used to reference a payment instruction
requested_execution_date RequestedExecutionDate false Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment.
This date can be used in the following cases:
- the single requested execution date for a payment having several instructions. In this case, this field must be set at the payment level.
- the requested execution date for a given instruction within a payment. In this case, this field must be set at each instruction level.
- The first date of execution for a standing order.
When the payment cannot be processed at this date, the ASPSP is allowed to shift the applied execution date to the next possible execution date for non-standing orders.
For standing orders, the [executionRule] parameter helps to compute the execution date to be applied.
reference_number ReferenceNumber false This field specifies the reference assigned by the sender to unambiguously identify the message.
end_date EndDate false The last applicable day of execution for a given standing order.
If not given, the standing order is considered as endless.
execution_rule ExecutionRule false Execution date shifting rule for standing orders
frequency FrequencyCode false Frequency rule for standing orders
ultimate_debtor PartyIdentification false Identifies the original party from whom the funds originate in the payment transaction
ultimate_creditor PartyIdentification false Identifies the final party receiving the funds in the payment transaction
regulatory_reporting [RegulatoryReporting] false List of needed regulatory reporting codes for international payments
remittance_information UnstructuredRemittanceInformation false Payment details. For credit transfers may contain free text, reference number or both at the same time (in case Extended Remittance Information is supported). When it is known that remittance information contains a reference number (either based on ISO 11649 or a local scheme), the reference number is also available via the referenceNumber field of the Transaction data structure.
transaction_id string false Unique identifier of the payment transaction, which can be used for fetching details through the get payment transaction endpoint
transaction_status PaymentStatus false Status of the payment transaction
  "instructed_amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"
  "beneficiary": {
    "creditor": {
      "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
    "creditor_account": {
      "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
      "scheme_name": "IBAN"
  "payment_id": {
    "instruction_id": "string",
    "end_to_end_id": "string"
  "requested_execution_date": "2019-08-24",
  "reference_number": "string",
  "end_date": "2019-08-24",
  "execution_rule": "FWNG",
  "frequency": "DAIL",
  "ultimate_debtor": {
    "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
    "postal_address": {
      "address_line": [
        "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
        "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
      "address_type": "Business",
      "building_number": "4",
      "country": "FI",
      "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
      "department": "Department of resources",
      "post_code": "00123",
      "street_name": "Vasavagen",
      "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
      "town_name": "Helsinki"
  "ultimate_creditor": {
    "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
    "postal_address": {
      "address_line": [
        "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
        "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
      "address_type": "Business",
      "building_number": "4",
      "country": "FI",
      "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
      "department": "Department of resources",
      "post_code": "00123",
      "street_name": "Vasavagen",
      "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
      "town_name": "Helsinki"
  "regulatory_reporting": [
      "authority": {
        "country": "string",
        "name": "string"
      "details": {
        "amount": {
          "currency": "EUR",
          "amount": "1.23"
        "code": "string",
        "information": "string"
  "remittance_information": [
  "transaction_id": "string",
  "transaction_status": "ACCC"

# CurrencyCode


Name Type Required Description
CurrencyCode string false Specifies the currency of the amount or of the account according the ISO 4217 standard

# EndDate


Name Type Required Description
EndDate string(date) false The last applicable day of execution for a given standing order.
If not given, the standing order is considered as endless.

# Environment

Enumerated Values

Value Description

# ErrorCode

Enumerated Values

Value Description
ACCESS_DENIED Access to this resource is denied. Check services available for your application.
ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST No account found matching provided id
ALREADY_AUTHORIZED Session is already authorized
ASPSP_ACCOUNT_NOT_ACCESSIBLE The PSU does not have access to the requested account or it doesn't exist
ASPSP_ERROR Error interacting with ASPSP
ASPSP_PAYMENT_NOT_ACCESSIBLE Payment can not be requested from the ASPSP
ASPSP_TIMEOUT Timeout interacting with ASPSP
AUTHORIZATION_NOT_PROVIDED Authorization header is not provided
CLOSED_SESSION Session is closed
DATE_FROM_IN_FUTURE date_from can not be in the future
DATE_TO_WITHOUT_DATE_FROM date_from must be provided if date_to provided
EXPIRED_AUTHORIZATION_CODE Authorization code is expired
EXPIRED_SESSION Session is expired
INVALID_ACCOUNT_ID Either iban or other account identification is required
INVALID_HOST Invalid host
INVALID_PAYMENT Invalid or expired payment provided
NO_ACCOUNTS_ADDED No allowed accounts added to the application
PAYMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The amount value or the the number of transactions exceeds the limit
PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND Payment not found
PSU_HEADER_NOT_PROVIDED Required PSU header not provided
REVOKED_SESSION Session is revoked
SESSION_DOES_NOT_EXIST No session found matching provided id
TRANSACTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST No transaction found matching provided id
UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Unauthorized access
UNAUTHORIZED_IP Used IP address is not authorized to access the resource
UNTRUSTED_PAYMENT_PARTY Either creditor or debtor account is not trusted
WRONG_AUTHORIZATION_CODE Wrong authorization code provided
WRONG_CONTINUATION_KEY Wrong continuation key provided
WRONG_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDED Wrong credentials provided
WRONG_DATE_INTERVAL date_from should be less than or equal date_to
WRONG_REQUEST_PARAMETERS Wrong request parameters provided
WRONG_SESSION_STATUS Wrong session status
WRONG_TRANSACTIONS_PERIOD Wrong transactions period requested

# ErrorResponse


Name Type Required Description
message string true Error message
code integer false Error code, identical to the http response code
error ErrorCode false Text error code
detail any false Detailed explanation of an error
  "message": "Required PSU header not provided",
  "code": 422,
  "error": "ACCESS_DENIED",
  "detail": "PSU header psuIpAddress is not provided"

# ExchangeRate


Name Type Required Description
unit_currency CurrencyCode false ISO 4217 code of the currency, in which the rate of exchange is expressed in a currency exchange. In the example 1GBP = xxxCUR, the unit currency is GBP.
exchange_rate string false The factor used for conversion of an amount from one currency to another. This reflects the price at which one currency was bought with another currency.
rate_type RateType false Specifies the type of exchange rate applied to the transaction
contract_identification string false Unique and unambiguous reference to the foreign exchange contract agreed between the initiating party/creditor and the debtor agent.
instructed_amount AmountType false Original amount, in which transaction was initiated. In particular, for cross-currency card transactions, the value represents original value of a purchase or a withdrawal in a currency different from the card's native or default currency.
  "unit_currency": "EUR",
  "exchange_rate": "string",
  "rate_type": "SPOT",
  "contract_identification": "string",
  "instructed_amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"

# ExecutionRule

Enumerated Values

Value Description
FWNG Following
PREC Preceding

# FinancialInstitutionIdentification


Name Type Required Description
bic_fi string false Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identification code (BIC)".
clearing_system_member_id ClearingSystemMemberIdentification false Information used to identify a member within a clearing system.
name string false Name of the financial institution
  "bic_fi": "string",
  "clearing_system_member_id": {
    "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
    "member_id": 20368
  "name": "string"

# FrequencyCode

Enumerated Values

Value Description
DAIL Daily
MNTH Monthly
QUTR Quarterly
SEMI Semi annual
TOMN Every two months
TOWK Every two weeks
WEEK Weekly
YEAR Annual

# GenericIdentification


Name Type Required Description
identification string true An identifier
scheme_name SchemeName true Name of the identification scheme. Partially based on ISO20022 external code list
issuer string false Entity that assigns the identification. this could a country code or any organisation name or identifier that can be recognized by both parties
  "identification": "123456",
  "scheme_name": "BBAN"

# GetApplicationResponse


Name Type Required Description
name string true Application name
description string false Application description
kid string(uuid4) true Application key id
environment Environment true Application environment
redirect_urls [string] true List of allowed redirect urls
active boolean true Indication whether the application is active
countries [string] true List of supported countries
services [Service] true List of supported services
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "kid": "string",
  "environment": "PRODUCTION",
  "redirect_urls": [
  "active": true,
  "countries": [
  "services": [

# GetAspspsResponse


Name Type Required Description
aspsps [ASPSPData] true List of available ASPSPs and countries
  "aspsps": [
      "auth_methods": [
          "approach": "REDIRECT",
          "credentials": [
              "description": "Business identity code (Y-tunnus) in 1234567-8 format",
              "name": "companyId",
              "required": true,
              "template": "^\\d{7}-\\d$",
              "title": "Company ID"
          "hidden_method": false,
          "name": "MTA",
          "psu_type": "business"
      "beta": false,
      "bic": "NDEAFIHH",
      "country": "FI",
      "logo": "https://enablebanking.com/brands/FI/Nordea/",
      "maximum_consent_validity": 15552000,
      "name": "Nordea",
      "payments": [
          "allowed_auth_methods": [
          "charge_bearer_values": [
          "creditor_account_schemas": [
          "creditor_agent_bic_fi_required": false,
          "creditor_agent_clearing_system_member_id_required": false,
          "creditor_country_required": false,
          "creditor_name_required": false,
          "creditor_postal_address_required": false,
          "currencies": [
          "debtor_account_required": true,
          "debtor_account_schemas": [
          "debtor_contact_email_required": false,
          "debtor_contact_phone_required": false,
          "debtor_currency_required": false,
          "max_transactions": 1,
          "payment_type": "SEPA",
          "priority_codes": [
          "psu_type": "business",
          "reference_number_schemas": [
          "reference_number_supported": true,
          "regulatory_reporting_code_required": false,
          "remittance_information_lines": [
              "max_length": 140,
              "min_length": 1,
              "pattern": "^.{1,140}$"
          "remittance_information_required": true,
          "requested_execution_date_max_period": 365,
          "requested_execution_date_supported": true
      "psu_types": [
      "required_psu_headers": [

# GetPaymentResponse


Name Type Required Description
payment_id string(uuid) true Payment ID
status PaymentStatus true Payment status
payment_details PaymentRequestResourceDetails true Payment request
final_status boolean true Indicates whether the payment has reached the status expected to be final (i.e. if the value of the field is true, the payment status is not expected to change on later requests)
status_reason_information StatusReasonInformation false Details explaining the payment status, provided when the cause can be determined unambiguously, mainly for rejected payments
  "payment_id": "d43b87f9-9e28-4802-8eaa-6ee91a40ea71",
  "status": "ACCC",
  "payment_details": {
    "credit_transfer_transaction": [
        "beneficiary": {
          "creditor": {
            "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
          "creditor_account": {
            "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
            "scheme_name": "IBAN"
        "instructed_amount": {
          "amount": "10.33",
          "currency": "EUR"
    "debtor_account": {
      "identification": "FI7727551317119265",
      "scheme_name": "IBAN"
  "final_status": true,
  "status_reason_information": {
    "status_reason_code": "string",
    "status_reason_description": "string"

# GetPaymentTransactionResponse


Name Type Required Description
payment_id string(uuid) true Payment ID
transaction_details CreditTransferTransactionDetails true Payment transaction details
  "payment_id": "d43b87f9-9e28-4802-8eaa-6ee91a40ea71",
  "transaction_details": {
    "instructed_amount": {
      "currency": "EUR",
      "amount": "1.23"
    "beneficiary": {
      "creditor": {
        "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
      "creditor_account": {
        "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
        "scheme_name": "IBAN"
    "payment_id": {
      "instruction_id": "string",
      "end_to_end_id": "string"
    "requested_execution_date": "2019-08-24",
    "reference_number": "string",
    "end_date": "2019-08-24",
    "execution_rule": "FWNG",
    "frequency": "DAIL",
    "ultimate_debtor": {
      "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
      "postal_address": {
        "address_line": [
          "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
          "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
        "address_type": "Business",
        "building_number": "4",
        "country": "FI",
        "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
        "department": "Department of resources",
        "post_code": "00123",
        "street_name": "Vasavagen",
        "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
        "town_name": "Helsinki"
    "ultimate_creditor": {
      "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
      "postal_address": {
        "address_line": [
          "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
          "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
        "address_type": "Business",
        "building_number": "4",
        "country": "FI",
        "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
        "department": "Department of resources",
        "post_code": "00123",
        "street_name": "Vasavagen",
        "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
        "town_name": "Helsinki"
    "regulatory_reporting": [
        "authority": {
          "country": "string",
          "name": "string"
        "details": {
          "amount": {
            "currency": "EUR",
            "amount": "1.23"
          "code": "string",
          "information": "string"
    "remittance_information": [
    "transaction_id": "string",
    "transaction_status": "ACCC"

# GetSessionResponse


Name Type Required Description
status SessionStatus true Session status
accounts [string] true List of account ids available in the session
accounts_data [SessionAccount] true Accounts data stored in the session
aspsp ASPSP true ASPSP used with the session
psu_type PSUType true PSU type used with the session
psu_id_hash string true Hashed unique identification of a PSU used by the client application. In case PSU ID is not passed by the client application, the hash is calculated based on a random value. The hash also inherits the application ID, so different hashes will be calculated when using the same PSU ID with different applications.
access Access true Scope of access requested from ASPSP and confirmed by PSU
created string(date-time) true Date and time when the session was created
authorized string(date-time) false Date and time when the session was authorized
closed string(date-time) false Date and time when the session was closed
  "access": {
    "valid_until": "2020-12-01T12:00:00.000000+00:00"
  "accounts": [
  "accounts_data": [
      "identification_hash": "WwpbCiJhY2NvdW50IiwKImFjY291bnRfaWQiLAoiaWJhbiIKXQpd.E8GzhnnsFC7K+4e3YMYYKpyM83Zx6toXrjgcvPP/Lqc=",
      "uid": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
  "aspsp": {
    "country": "FI",
    "name": "Nordea"
  "authorized": "2020-12-01T12:00:00.000000+00:00",
  "created": "2020-12-01T12:00:00.000000+00:00",
  "psu_type": "business",
  "status": "AUTHORIZED"

# HalBalances


Name Type Required Description
balances [BalanceResource] true List of account balances
  "balances": [
      "name": "Booked balance",
      "balance_amount": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "1.23"
      "balance_type": "CLAV",
      "last_change_date_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "reference_date": "2019-08-24",
      "last_committed_transaction": "4604aa90f8a8418092d80c3270846f0a"

# HalTransactions


Name Type Required Description
transactions [Transaction] true List of transactions
continuation_key string false Value to retrieve next page of transactions. Null if there are no more pages. Only valid in current session.
  "transactions": [
      "entry_reference": "5561990681",
      "merchant_category_code": "5511",
      "transaction_amount": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "1.23"
      "creditor": {
        "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
        "postal_address": {
          "address_line": [
            "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
            "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
          "address_type": "Business",
          "building_number": "4",
          "country": "FI",
          "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
          "department": "Department of resources",
          "post_code": "00123",
          "street_name": "Vasavagen",
          "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
          "town_name": "Helsinki"
      "creditor_account": {
        "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
      "creditor_agent": {
        "bic_fi": "string",
        "clearing_system_member_id": {
          "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
          "member_id": 20368
        "name": "string"
      "debtor": {
        "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
        "postal_address": {
          "address_line": [
            "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
            "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
          "address_type": "Business",
          "building_number": "4",
          "country": "FI",
          "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
          "department": "Department of resources",
          "post_code": "00123",
          "street_name": "Vasavagen",
          "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
          "town_name": "Helsinki"
      "debtor_account": {
        "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
      "debtor_agent": {
        "bic_fi": "string",
        "clearing_system_member_id": {
          "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
          "member_id": 20368
        "name": "string"
      "bank_transaction_code": {
        "description": "Utlandsbetalning",
        "code": "12",
        "sub_code": "32"
      "credit_debit_indicator": "CRDT",
      "status": "BOOK",
      "booking_date": "2020-01-03",
      "value_date": "2020-01-02",
      "transaction_date": "2020-01-01",
      "balance_after_transaction": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "1.23"
      "reference_number": "RF07850352502356628678117",
      "remittance_information": [
        "Gift for Alex"
      "debtor_account_additional_identification": {
        "identification": "12345678",
        "scheme_name": "CPAN"
      "creditor_account_additional_identification": {
        "identification": "12345678",
        "scheme_name": "BBAN"
      "exchange_rate": {
        "unit_currency": "EUR",
        "exchange_rate": "string",
        "rate_type": "SPOT",
        "contract_identification": "string",
        "instructed_amount": {
          "currency": "EUR",
          "amount": "1.23"
      "note": "string",
      "transaction_id": "string"
  "continuation_key": "string"

# PSUType

Enumerated Values

Value Description
business business
personal personal

# PartyIdentification


Name Type Required Description
name string false Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
postal_address PostalAddress false Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services
organisation_id GenericIdentification false Unique identification of an account, a person or an organisation, as assigned by an issuer
private_id GenericIdentification false Unique identification of an account, a person or an organisation, as assigned by an issuer
contact_details ContactDetails false Specifies the contact details associated with a person or an organisation
  "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
  "postal_address": {
    "address_line": [
      "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
      "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
    "address_type": "Business",
    "building_number": "4",
    "country": "FI",
    "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
    "department": "Department of resources",
    "post_code": "00123",
    "street_name": "Vasavagen",
    "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
    "town_name": "Helsinki"

# PaymentIdentification


Name Type Required Description
instruction_id string false Unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify the instruction.

API: Unique identification shared between the PISP and the ASPSP
end_to_end_id string false Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unambiguously identify the transaction. This identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain.

API: Unique identification shared between the merchant and the PSU
  "instruction_id": "string",
  "end_to_end_id": "string"

# PaymentInformationId


Name Type Required Description
PaymentInformationId string false Reference assigned by a sending party to unambiguously identify the payment information block within the message.

# PaymentRequestResource


Name Type Required Description
payment_information_id PaymentInformationId false Reference assigned by a sending party to unambiguously identify the payment information block within the message
payment_type_information PaymentTypeInformation false Set of elements used to further specify the type of payment
debtor PartyIdentification false Identification of the party sending funds
debtor_account GenericIdentification false Identification of the account from which funds are sent when the payment is executed. When the debtor account is not provided it is to be chosen by the PSU during payment authorisation flow.
debtor_agent FinancialInstitutionIdentification false Identification of the financial institution where the debtor account is held. To be provided only in case the financial institution can not be unambiguously identified the ASPSP name towards which the payment is initiated.
debtor_currency string false ISO 4217 code, in which debtor account is held
purpose PurposeCode false Underlying reason for the payment
charge_bearer ChargeBearerCode false Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment
credit_transfer_transaction [CreditTransferTransaction] true Payment instructions to be executed towards one or multiple beneficiaries in the payment process. Maximum number of transactions depend on the ASPSP and type of the payment taking into accounts its specificities about payment request handling.
  "credit_transfer_transaction": [
      "beneficiary": {
        "creditor": {
          "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
        "creditor_account": {
          "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
          "scheme_name": "IBAN"
      "instructed_amount": {
        "amount": "10.33",
        "currency": "EUR"
  "debtor_account": {
    "identification": "FI7727551317119265",
    "scheme_name": "IBAN"

# PaymentRequestResourceDetails


Name Type Required Description
payment_information_id PaymentInformationId false Reference assigned by a sending party to unambiguously identify the payment information block within the message
payment_type_information PaymentTypeInformation false Set of elements used to further specify the type of payment
debtor PartyIdentification false Identification of the party sending funds
debtor_account GenericIdentification false Identification of the account from which funds are sent when the payment is executed. When the debtor account is not provided it is to be chosen by the PSU during payment authorisation flow.
debtor_agent FinancialInstitutionIdentification false Identification of the financial institution where the debtor account is held. To be provided only in case the financial institution can not be unambiguously identified the ASPSP name towards which the payment is initiated.
debtor_currency string false ISO 4217 code, in which debtor account is held
purpose PurposeCode false Underlying reason for the payment
charge_bearer ChargeBearerCode false Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment
credit_transfer_transaction [CreditTransferTransactionDetails] false [Details of the payment instruction executed (to be executed) by the ASPSP]
  "credit_transfer_transaction": [
      "beneficiary": {
        "creditor": {
          "name": "Organisation/Person Name"
        "creditor_account": {
          "identification": "FI0455231152453547",
          "scheme_name": "IBAN"
      "instructed_amount": {
        "amount": "10.33",
        "currency": "EUR"
  "debtor_account": {
    "identification": "FI7727551317119265",
    "scheme_name": "IBAN"

# PaymentStatus

Enumerated Values

Value Description
ACCC AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted. Settlement on the creditor's account has been completed.
ACCP AcceptedCustomerProfile. Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful.
ACCR AcceptedCancellationRequest. Cancellation is accepted.
ACPT Accepted. Request is accepted.
ACSC AcceptedSettlementCompleted. Settlement on the debtor's account has been completed.
ACSP AcceptedSettlementInProcess. All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful. Dynamic risk assessment is now also successful and therefore the Payment Request has been accepted for execution.
ACTC AcceptedTechnicalValidation. Authentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful.
ACWC AcceptedWithChange. Instruction is accepted but a change will be made, such as date or remittance not sent.
ACWP AcceptedWithoutPosting. Payment instruction included in the credit transfer is accepted without being posted to the creditor's account.
CNCL PaymentCancelled. Payment is cancelled.
NULL NoCancellationProcess. There is no cancellation process ongoing.
PACR PartiallyAcceptedCancellationRequest. Cancellation is partially accepted.
PART PartiallyAccepted. A number of transactions have been accepted, whereas another number of transactions have not yet achieved 'accepted' status.
PDCR PendingCancellationRequest. Cancellation request is pending.
PDNG Pending. Payment request or individual transaction included in the Payment Request is pending. Further checks and status update will be performed.
RCVD Received. Payment initiation has been received by the receiving agent.
RJCR RejectedCancellationRequest. Cancellation request is rejected.
RJCT Rejected. Payment request has been rejected.

# PaymentType

Enumerated Values

Value Description
BULK_DOMESTIC Domestic bulk credit transfers
BULK_SEPA SEPA bulk credit transfers
CROSSBORDER Crossborder credit transfers
DOMESTIC Domestic credit transfers
DOMESTIC_SE_GIRO Swedish domestic Giro payments (BankGiro/PlusGiro)
INST_SEPA Instant SEPA credit transfers (without fallback to SEPA)
INTERNAL Transfer made within an ASPSP
SEPA SEPA credit transfers

# PaymentTypeInformation


Name Type Required Description
instruction_priority PriorityCode false Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the instructed party to apply
service_level ServiceLevelCode false Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed. Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list
category_purpose CategoryPurposeCode false Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
local_instrument string false User community specific instrument
  "instruction_priority": "HIGH",
  "service_level": "BKTR",
  "category_purpose": "BONU",
  "local_instrument": "string"

# PostalAddress


Name Type Required Description
address_type AddressType false Available address type values
department string false Identification of a division of a large organisation or building.
sub_department string false Identification of a sub-division of a large organisation or building.
street_name string false Name of a street or thoroughfare.
building_number string false Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
post_code string false Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is
added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail.
town_name string false Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government.
country_sub_division string false Identifies a subdivision of a country such as state, region, county.
country string false Two-letter ISO 3166 code of the country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed.
address_line [string] false Unstructured address. The two lines must embed zip code and town name
  "address_type": "Business",
  "department": "Department of resources",
  "sub_department": "Sub Department of resources",
  "street_name": "Vasavagen",
  "building_number": "4",
  "post_code": "00123",
  "town_name": "Helsinki",
  "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
  "country": "FI",
  "address_line": [
    "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",

# PriorityCode

Enumerated Values

Value Description
EXPR Express priority. Polish-specific priority code
HIGH High priority
NORM Normal priority

# PurposeCode

Enumerated Values

Value Description
ACCT Funds moved between 2 accounts of same account holder at the same bank
CASH General cash management instruction, may be used for Transfer Initiation
COMC Transaction is related to a payment of commercial credit or debit
CPKC General Carpark Charges Transaction is related to carpark charges
TRPT Transport RoadPricing Transaction is for the payment to top-up pre-paid card and electronic road pricing for the purpose of transportation

# RateType

Enumerated Values

Value Description
AGRD Exchange rate applied is the rate agreed between the parties
SALE Exchange rate applied is the market rate at the time of the sale.
SPOT Exchange rate applied is the spot rate.

# ReferenceNumber


Name Type Required Description
ReferenceNumber string false This field specifies the reference assigned by the sender to unambiguously identify the message.

# ReferenceNumberScheme

Enumerated Values

Value Description
BERF Belgian reference number
FIRF Finnish reference number
INTL International reference number (starting with RF)
NORF Norwegian KID (OCR)
SEBG Swedish Bankgiro OCR

# RegulatoryAuthority


Name Type Required Description
country string true Two-letter ISO 3166 code of the country in which the regulatory authority operates
name string true Name of the regulatory authority
  "country": "string",
  "name": "string"

# RegulatoryReporting


Name Type Required Description
authority RegulatoryAuthority false Regulatory authority to which reporting shall be made
details RegulatoryReportingDetails true Details to provide on the regulatory reporting information
  "authority": {
    "country": "string",
    "name": "string"
  "details": {
    "amount": {
      "currency": "EUR",
      "amount": "1.23"
    "code": "string",
    "information": "string"

# RegulatoryReportingCode


Name Type Required Description
value string true Value of the code, i.e. what needs to be passed as a code when filling in regulatory reporting details.
description string true Regulatory authority to which reporting shall be made
  "value": "string",
  "description": "string"

# RegulatoryReportingDetails


Name Type Required Description
amount AmountType false Amount of money to be reported. If not provided the total instructed amount of the transaction is assumed.
code string false A code specifying the nature, purpose, and/or reason for the transaction. Codes to be used depend on the regulatory authority, to which they are being reported.
information string true Additional details that cater for specific domestic regulatory requirements.
  "amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"
  "code": "string",
  "information": "string"

# RemittanceInformationLineInfo


Name Type Required Description
min_length integer false Minimum length of remittance information line
max_length integer false Maximum length of remittance information line
pattern string false Specifies a regexp pattern for the remittance information line
  "min_length": 0,
  "max_length": 0,
  "pattern": "string"

# RequestedExecutionDate


Name Type Required Description
RequestedExecutionDate string(date) false Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment.
This date can be used in the following cases:
- the single requested execution date for a payment having several instructions. In this case, this field must be set at the payment level.
- the requested execution date for a given instruction within a payment. In this case, this field must be set at each instruction level.
- The first date of execution for a standing order.
When the payment cannot be processed at this date, the ASPSP is allowed to shift the applied execution date to the next possible execution date for non-standing orders.
For standing orders, the [executionRule] parameter helps to compute the execution date to be applied.

# ResponsePaymentType


Name Type Required Description
payment_type PaymentType true Payment type name
max_transactions integer false Maximum number of transactions per payment
currencies [string] false List of supported currencies
debtor_account_required boolean false States if debtor account is required for payment initiation request. When the debtor account is not provided it is to be chosen by the PSU during payment authorisation flow. Create payment body field: payment_request.debtor_account
debtor_account_schemas [SchemeName] false List of supported debtor account schemas
creditor_account_schemas [SchemeName] false List of supported creditor account schemas
priority_codes [PriorityCode] false List of supported priority codes
charge_bearer_values [ChargeBearerCode] false List of supported charge bearer codes
creditor_country_required boolean false States if creditor country is required. Create payment body field: payment_request.credit_transfer_transaction[*].beneficiary.creditor.postal_address.country
creditor_name_required boolean false States if creditor name is required. Create payment body field: payment_request.credit_transfer_transaction[*].beneficiary.creditor.postal_address.country
creditor_postal_address_required boolean false States if creditor postal address is required. Create payment body field: payment_request.credit_transfer_transaction[*].beneficiary.creditor.postal_address
remittance_information_required boolean false States if remittance information is required. Create payment body field: payment_request.credit_transfer_transaction[*].remittance_information
remittance_information_lines [RemittanceInformationLineInfo] false Properties of remittance information. Each item of the array correspond to the remittance information line with the same index. When provided, the number of lines in the remittance information should be the same as the length of this array.
debtor_currency_required boolean false States if debtor currency is required. Create payment body field: payment_request.debtor_currency
debtor_contact_email_required boolean false States if debtor's contact email is required when a payment this type is being initiated. Create payment body field: payment_request.debtor.contact_details.email_address
debtor_contact_phone_required boolean false States if debtor's contact phone is required when a payment this type is being initiated. Create payment body field: payment_request.debtor.contact_details.phone_number
creditor_agent_bic_fi_required boolean false States if creditor agent bicFi is required. Create payment body field: payment_request.credit_transfer_transaction[*].beneficiary.creditor_agent.bic_fi
creditor_agent_clearing_system_member_id_required boolean false States if creditor agent clearing system member ID is required. Create payment body field: payment_request.credit_transfer_transaction[*].beneficiary.creditor_agent.clearing_system_member_id
allowed_auth_methods [string] false List of supported auth methods for this payment type
regulatory_reporting_codes [RegulatoryReportingCode] false List of supported codes for regulatory reporting details
regulatory_reporting_code_required boolean false States if regulatory reporting shall be provided for credit transfer transactions. Create payment body field: payment_request.credit_transfer_transaction[*].regulatory_reporting.details.code
reference_number_supported boolean false States if reference number can be provided for credit transfer transactions
reference_number_schemas [ReferenceNumberScheme] false List of reference number schemas supported by a payment method
requested_execution_date_supported boolean false States if requested execution date supported by a payment method
requested_execution_date_max_period integer false Maximum requested execution date interval in the future
remittance_reference_supported boolean false States if both reference number and remittance information can be provided simultaneously
final_successful_statuses [PaymentStatus] false List of the final successful statuses for the payment type. Please note that when a payment reaches one of the statuses provided in this list, it is not yet guaranteed that the funds will be credited to the creditor's account specified in the payment request. It is up to the application that created the payment to conclude whether the funds are (or will be) received, depending on the actual payment status and other factors.
psu_type PSUType true PSU type
  "allowed_auth_methods": [
  "charge_bearer_values": [
  "creditor_account_schemas": [
  "creditor_agent_bic_fi_required": false,
  "creditor_agent_clearing_system_member_id_required": false,
  "creditor_country_required": false,
  "creditor_name_required": false,
  "creditor_postal_address_required": false,
  "currencies": [
  "debtor_account_required": false,
  "debtor_account_schemas": [
  "debtor_contact_email_required": false,
  "debtor_contact_phone_required": false,
  "debtor_currency_required": false,
  "max_transactions": 1,
  "payment_type": "SEPA",
  "priority_codes": [
  "psu_type": "business",
  "reference_number_schemas": [
  "reference_number_supported": true,
  "regulatory_reporting_code_required": false,
  "remittance_information_lines": [
      "max_length": 140,
      "min_length": 1,
      "pattern": "^.{1,140}$"
  "remittance_information_required": false,
  "requested_execution_date_max_period": 365,
  "requested_execution_date_supported": true

# SandboxInfo


Name Type Required Description
users [SandboxUser] false List of sandbox users which can be used to test sandbox environment
  "users": [
      "username": "MyUsername",
      "password": "MySecretPassword",
      "otp": "123456"

# SandboxUser


Name Type Required Description
username string false Username
password string false Password
otp string false One time password
  "username": "MyUsername",
  "password": "MySecretPassword",
  "otp": "123456"

# SchemeName

Enumerated Values

Value Description
ARNU AlienRegistrationNumber
BANK BankPartyIdentification. Unique and unambiguous assignment made by a specific bank or similar financial institution to identify a relationship as defined between the bank and its client.
BBAN Basic Bank Account Number. Represents a country-specific bank account number.
BGNR Swedish BankGiro account number. Used in domestic swedish giro payments
CCPT PassportNumber
CHID Clearing Identification Number
COID CountryIdentificationCode. Country authority given organisation identification (e.g., corporate registration number)
CPAN Card PAN (masked or plain)
CUSI CustomerIdentificationNumberIndividual. Handelsbanken-specific code
CUST CorporateCustomerNumber
DRLC DriversLicenseNumber
DUNS Data Universal Numbering System
EMPL EmployerIdentificationNumber
GS1G GS1GLNIdentifier
IBAN International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identification used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account of a customer.
NIDN NationalIdentityNumber. Number assigned by an authority to identify the national identity number of a person.
OAUT OAUTH2 access token that is owned by the PISP being also an AISP and that can be used in order to identify the PSU
OTHC OtherCorporate. Handelsbanken-specific code
OTHI OtherIndividual. Handelsbanken-specific code
PGNR Swedish PlusGiro account number. Used in domestic swedish giro payments
SOSE SocialSecurityNumber
SREN The SIREN number is a 9 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation in France.
SRET The SIRET number is a 14 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation unit in France. It consists of the SIREN number, followed by a five digit classification number, to identify the local geographical unit of that entity.
TXID TaxIdentificationNumber

# Service

Enumerated Values

Value Description
AIS Account Information Service
PIS Payment Initiation Service

# ServiceLevelCode

Enumerated Values

Value Description
BKTR Book Transaction: Payment through internal book transfer
G001 Tracked Customer Credit Transfer: Tracked Customer Credit Transfer
G002 Tracked Stop And Recall: Tracked Stop and Recall
G003 Tracked Corporate Transfer: Tracked Corporate Transfer
G004 Tracked Financial Institution Transfer: Tracked Financial Institution Transfer
NUGP Non-urgent Priority Payment: Payment must be executed as a non-urgent transaction with priority settlement
NURG Non-urgent Payment: Payment must be executed as a non-urgent transaction, which is typically identified as an ACH or low value transaction
PRPT EBA Priority Service: Transaction must be processed according to the EBA Priority Service
SDVA Same Day Value: Payment must be executed with same day value to the creditor
SEPA Single Euro Payments Area: Payment must be executed following the Single Euro Payments Area scheme
SVDE Domestic Cheque Clearing and Settlement: Payment execution following the cheque agreement and traveller cheque agreement of the German Banking Industry Committee (Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft - DK) and Deutsche Bundesbank – Scheck Verrechnung Deutschland
URGP Urgent Payment: Payment must be executed as an urgent transaction cleared through a real-time gross settlement system, which is typically identified as a wire or high value transaction
URNS Urgent Payment Net Settlement: Payment must be executed as an urgent transaction cleared through a real-time net settlement system, which is typically identified as a wire or high value transaction

# SessionAccount


Name Type Required Description
uid string(uuid) true Account identificator within the session
identification_hash string true Global account identification hash
identification_hashes [string] true List of possible account identification hashes. Identification hash is based on the account number. Some accounts may have multiple account numbers (e.g. IBAN and BBAN). This field contains all possible hashes.
  "uid": "07cc67f4-45d6-494b-adac-09b5cbc7e2b5",
  "identification_hash": "string",
  "identification_hashes": [

# SessionStatus

Enumerated Values

Value Description

# StartAuthorizationRequest


Name Type Required Description
access Access true Scope of access to be request from ASPSP and to be confirmed by PSU
aspsp ASPSP true ASPSP that PSU is going to be authenticated to
state string true Arbitrary string. Same string will be returned in query parameter when redirecting to the URL passed via redirect_url parameter
redirect_url string(uri) true URL that PSU will be redirected to after authorization
psu_type PSUType false PSU type which consent is created for
auth_method string false Desired authorization method (in case ASPSP supports multiple). Supported methods can be obtained from ASPSP auth_methods
credentials object false PSU credentials (User ID, company ID etc.) If not provided, then those are going to be asked from a PSU during authorization
credentials_autosubmit boolean false Controls whether user credentials will be autosubmitted (if passed). If set to false then credentials form will be prefilled with passed credentials
language string false Preferred PSU language. Two-letter lowercase language code
psu_id string false Unique identification of a PSU used by the client application. It can be used to match sessions of the same user. Although only hashed value is stored, it is recommended to use anonymised identifiers (i.e. digital ID instead of email or social security number). In case the parameter is not passed by the application, random value will be used.
  "access": {
    "valid_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
  "aspsp": {
    "name": "Nordea",
    "country": "FI"
  "state": "3a57e2d3-2e0c-4336-af9b-7fa94f0606a3",
  "redirect_url": "http://example.com",
  "psu_type": "business",
  "auth_method": "methodName",
  "credentials": {
    "userId": "MyUsername"
  "credentials_autosubmit": true,
  "language": "fi",
  "psu_id": "string"

# StartAuthorizationResponse


Name Type Required Description
url string(uri) true URL to redirect PSU to
authorization_id string(uuid) true PSU authorisation ID, a value used to identify an authorisation session. Please note that another session ID will used to fetch account data.
psu_id_hash string true Hashed unique identification of a PSU used by the client application. In case PSU ID is not passed by the client application, the hash is calculated based on a random value. The hash also inherits the application ID, so different hashes will be calculated when using the same PSU ID with different applications.
  "url": "https://tilisy.enablebanking.com/welcome?sessionid=73100c65-c54d-46a1-87d1-aa3effde435a",
  "authorization_id": "73100c65-c54d-46a1-87d1-aa3effde435a",
  "psu_id_hash": "string"

# StatusReasonInformation


Name Type Required Description
status_reason_code string true ISO20022 status reason code
status_reason_description string true Status reason description
  "status_reason_code": "string",
  "status_reason_description": "string"

# SuccessResponse


Name Type Required Description
message string false Returns "OK" in case of successfull request
  "message": "OK"

# Transaction


Name Type Required Description
entry_reference string false Unique transaction identifier provided by ASPSP. This identifier is both unique and immutable for accounts with the same identification hashes and can be used for matching transactions across multiple PSU authentication sessions. Usually the same identifier is available for transactions in ASPSP's online/mobile interface and is called archive ID or similarly. Please note that this identifier is not globally unique and same entry references are likely to occur for transactions belonging to different accounts.
merchant_category_code string false Category code conform to ISO 18245, related to the type of services or goods the merchant provides for the transaction
transaction_amount AmountType true Monetary sum of the transaction
creditor PartyIdentification false Identification of the party receiving funds in the transaction
creditor_account AccountIdentification false Identification of the account on which the transaction is credited
creditor_agent FinancialInstitutionIdentification false Identification of the creditor agent
debtor PartyIdentification false Identification of the party sending funds in the transaction
debtor_account AccountIdentification false Identification of the account on which the transaction is debited
debtor_agent FinancialInstitutionIdentification false Identification of the debtor agent
bank_transaction_code BankTransactionCode false Allows the account servicer to correctly report a transaction, which in its turn will help account holders to perform their cash management and reconciliation operations.
credit_debit_indicator CreditDebitIndicator true Accounting flow of the transaction
status TransactionStatus true Available transaction status values
booking_date string(date) false Booking date of the transaction on the account, i.e. the date at which the transaction has been recorded on books
value_date string(date) false Value date of the transaction on the account, i.e. the date at which funds become available to the account holder (in case of a credit transaction), or cease to be available to the account holder (in case of a debit transaction)
transaction_date string(date) false Date used for specific purposes:
- for card transaction: date of the transaction
- for credit transfer: acquiring date of the transaction
- for direct debit: receiving date of the transaction
balance_after_transaction AmountType false Funds on the account after execution of the transaction
reference_number string false Credit transfer reference number (also known as the creditor reference or the structured creditor reference). The value is set when it is known that the transaction data contains a reference number (in either ISO 11649 or a local format).
remittance_information [string] false Payment details. For credit transfers may contain free text, reference number or both at the same time (in case Extended Remittance Information is supported). When it is known that remittance information contains a reference number (either based on ISO 11649 or a local scheme), the reference number is also available via the reference_number field.
debtor_account_additional_identification [GenericIdentification] false All other debtor account identifiers provided by ASPSPs
creditor_account_additional_identification [GenericIdentification] false All other creditor account identifiers provided by ASPSPs
exchange_rate ExchangeRate false Provides details on the currency exchange rate and contract.
note string false The internal note made by PSU
transaction_id string false Identification used for fetching transaction details.This value can not be used to uniquely identify transactions and may change if the list of transactions is retrieved again. Null if fetching transaction details is not supported.
  "entry_reference": "5561990681",
  "merchant_category_code": "5511",
  "transaction_amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"
  "creditor": {
    "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
    "postal_address": {
      "address_line": [
        "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
        "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
      "address_type": "Business",
      "building_number": "4",
      "country": "FI",
      "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
      "department": "Department of resources",
      "post_code": "00123",
      "street_name": "Vasavagen",
      "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
      "town_name": "Helsinki"
  "creditor_account": {
    "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
  "creditor_agent": {
    "bic_fi": "string",
    "clearing_system_member_id": {
      "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
      "member_id": 20368
    "name": "string"
  "debtor": {
    "name": "MyPreferredAisp",
    "postal_address": {
      "address_line": [
        "Mr Asko Teirila PO Box 511",
        "39140 AKDENMAA FINLAND"
      "address_type": "Business",
      "building_number": "4",
      "country": "FI",
      "country_sub_division": "Uusimaa",
      "department": "Department of resources",
      "post_code": "00123",
      "street_name": "Vasavagen",
      "sub_department": "Sub Dpartment of resources",
      "town_name": "Helsinki"
  "debtor_account": {
    "iban": "FI0455231152453547"
  "debtor_agent": {
    "bic_fi": "string",
    "clearing_system_member_id": {
      "clearing_system_id": "NZNCC",
      "member_id": 20368
    "name": "string"
  "bank_transaction_code": {
    "description": "Utlandsbetalning",
    "code": "12",
    "sub_code": "32"
  "credit_debit_indicator": "CRDT",
  "status": "BOOK",
  "booking_date": "2020-01-03",
  "value_date": "2020-01-02",
  "transaction_date": "2020-01-01",
  "balance_after_transaction": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "1.23"
  "reference_number": "RF07850352502356628678117",
  "remittance_information": [
    "Gift for Alex"
  "debtor_account_additional_identification": {
    "identification": "12345678",
    "scheme_name": "CPAN"
  "creditor_account_additional_identification": {
    "identification": "12345678",
    "scheme_name": "BBAN"
  "exchange_rate": {
    "unit_currency": "EUR",
    "exchange_rate": "string",
    "rate_type": "AGRD",
    "contract_identification": "string",
    "instructed_amount": {
      "currency": "EUR",
      "amount": "1.23"
  "note": "string",
  "transaction_id": "string"

# TransactionStatus

Enumerated Values

Value Description
BOOK Accounted transaction (ISO20022 Closing Booked)
CNCL Cancelled transaction
HOLD Account hold
OTHR Transaction with unknown status or not fitting the other options
PDNG Instant Balance Transaction (ISO20022 Expected)
RJCT Rejected transaction
SCHD Scheduled transaction

# TransactionsFetchStrategy

Enumerated Values

Value Description
default Fetches transactions as requested by the user by passing the date_from and date_to parameters to an ASPSP. If not date_from or date_to is passed, then meaningful defaults are used.
longest Tries to find the longest possible period of transactions and fetches transactions for that period. Passed date_from is also taken into account. This strategy may use extra ASPSP calls. date_to is ignored in this strategy.

# UnstructuredRemittanceInformation


Name Type Required Description
UnstructuredRemittanceInformation [string] false Payment details. For credit transfers may contain free text, reference number or both at the same time (in case Extended Remittance Information is supported). When it is known that remittance information contains a reference number (either based on ISO 11649 or a local scheme), the reference number is also available via the referenceNumber field of the Transaction data structure.

# Usage

Enumerated Values

Value Description
ORGA professional account
PRIV private personal account