enable:Banking SDK
Welcome to Enable Banking SDK developer documentation! We are happy that you are interested our solution. In this documentation you have all information to start use our SDK.
Enable Banking SDK is for connecting your solution to Open Banking APIs without 3rd party solutions. With our solution you can build new business driven solutions and also connect your current solution to Open Banking APIs. We are believer for easy and fast development so we offer all needed documentation and code examples for you.
For starting you need to have developer license which you can order here. You will get your developer SDK, which is connected Open Banking API sandboxes.
For production usage please contact us or If you just need more info contact us at hello@enablebanking.com
SDK reference
Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.
Currently enable:Banking SDK consists of authorization, account information and payment initiation APIs. The same calls and data structures are used for interacting with different banks. In order to use each of the APIs corresponding API instance needs to be created with bank specific settings.
enable:Banking SDK API is based on STET PSD2 specification.
This API intends to provide an interface for Third Party Providers (TPP) for accessing Account Servicing Payment Service Providers (ASPSP, i.e. banks).
TPP may act as Account Information Service Provider (AISP), Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISP) or both.
The Payment Service User (PSU) is the owner of the accounts held by the ASPSP and gives accreditations to the TPP in order to access his accounts information or initiates payment from these accounts.
License: LicenseRef-LICENSE
Meta API
Code samples
const enablebanking = require('enablebanking');
const metaApi = new enablebanking.MetaApi(new enablebanking.ApiClient());
const connectors = await metaApi.getConnectors({
country: 'FI' // requesting connectors for Finland
import enablebanking
meta_api = enablebanking.MetaApi(enablebanking.ApiClient())
connectors = meta_api.get_connectors(
country='FI') # requesting connectors for Finland
import com.enablebanking.*;
import com.enablebanking.model.*;
import com.enablebanking.api.MetaApi;
MetaApi metaApi = new MetaApi(new ApiClient());
HalConnectors connectors = metaApi.getConnectors("FI"); // connectors for Finland
Retrieval of the available connectors
Name | Type | Required | Description |
country | string | false | Country ISO code |
Returned values
Data type | Description |
HalConnectors | List of connectors |
Auth API
Code samples
const enablebanking = require('enablebanking');
const authApi = new enablebanking.AuthApi(
new enablebanking.ApiClient('Bank name', [ /* Bank settings */ ]));
const { url } = await authApi.getAuth(
'code', // using authorization code grant
'https://example.com/', // redirect URL
['aisp'], // API scope
state: 'test' // state to pass to redirect URL
import enablebanking
auth_api = enablebanking.AuthApi(enablebanking.ApiClient(
'Bank name',
# Bank settings
url = auth_api.get_auth(
'code', # using authorization code grant
'https://example.com/', # redirect URL
['aisp'], # API scope
state='test', # state to pass to redirect URL
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
import com.enablebanking.model.*;
import com.enablebanking.api.AuthApi;
List bankSettings = new ArrayList();
// Filling in bank settings here...
AuthApi authApi = new AuthApi(new ApiClient("Bank name", bankSettings));
String url = authApi.getAuth(
"code", // using authorization code grant
"https://example.com/", // redirect URL
new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("aisp")), // API scope
"test", // state to pass to redirect URL
null // not passing access request (bank's defaults will be used)
Request Authorization Data
Name | Type | Required | Description |
response_type | string | true | none |
redirect_uri | string | true | none |
scope | array[string] | true | none |
state | string | false | none |
access | Access | false | Contains request for access to account information. |
Detailed descriptions
access: Contains request for access to account information.
This parameter should be set to override defaults for the banks, which allow PSUs to give consent for account information sharing right after authentication.
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
code | — |
Value | Description |
aisp | Access AISP (account information) APIs |
pisp | Access PISP (payment initiation) APIs |
Returned values
Data type | Description |
Auth | Authorization Data |
Code samples
const enablebanking = require('enablebanking');
const authApi = new enablebanking.AuthApi(
new enablebanking.ApiClient('Bank name', [ /* Bank settings */ ]));
const token = await authApi.makeToken(
'authorization_code', // grant type, MUST be set to "authorization_code"
'so43ls-3ldg03sd-hl4saa3l2sl5czfhl3'); // The code received in the query string when redirected from authorization
import enablebanking
auth_api = enablebanking.AuthApi(enablebanking.ApiClient(
'Bank name',
# Bank settings
token = auth_api.make_token(
'authorization_code', # grant type, MUST be set to "authorization_code"
'so43ls-3ldg03sd-hl4saa3l2sl5czfhl3') # The code received in the query string when redirected from authorization
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
import com.enablebanking.model.*;
import com.enablebanking.api.AuthApi;
List bankSettings = new ArrayList();
// Filling in bank settings here...
AuthApi authApi = new AuthApi(new ApiClient("Bank name", bankSettings));
Token token = authApi.makeToken(
"authorization_code", // grant type, MUST be set to "authorization_code"
"so43ls-3ldg03sd-hl4saa3l2sl5czfhl3" // The code received in the query string when redirected from authorization
Request Access Token
Name | Type | Required | Description |
grant_type | string | true | Value should be set to authorization_code or refresh_token depending on what |
code | string | true | Value of either the code received in the query string when redirected from |
redirect_uri | string | false | Redirect URI supplied to getAuth function for retreival of the |
Detailed descriptions
grant_type: Value should be set to authorization_code
or refresh_token
depending on what
passed to code
code: Value of either the code received in the query string when redirected from authorization page or the refresh token used for renewing access token.
redirect_uri: Redirect URI supplied to getAuth
function for retreival of the
authorization URL. This parameter is only required for some connectors, but it is
a good practice to pass it in order to unify usage for between different connectors.
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
authorization_code | Used to exchange an authorization code for an access token. After the user returns to the client via the redirect URL, the application will get the authorization code from the URL and use it to request an access token. |
refresh_token | Used to exchange a refresh token for an access token when the access token has expired. This allows clients to continue to have a valid access token without further interaction with the user. Please note that refresh token is likely to be changed when calling `makeToken` with `refresh_token` grant type. |
Returned values
Data type | Description |
Token | Authorisation token (Bearer) |
Data type | Description |
HttpError | As per RFC authorisation server responds with 400 in case of error |
Invalidate access token
Returned values
Data type | Description |
None | Empty body with 200 code |
Data type | Description |
None | Access Token already invalidated or not found |
None | Internal server error |
Code samples
const enablebanking = require('enablebanking');
const authApi = new enablebanking.AuthApi(
new enablebanking.ApiClient('Bank name', [ /* Bank settings */ ]));
const token = await authApi.getCurrentToken();
import enablebanking
auth_api = enablebanking.AuthApi(enablebanking.ApiClient(
'Bank name',
# Bank settings
token = auth_api.get_current_token()
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
import com.enablebanking.model.*;
import com.enablebanking.api.AuthApi;
List bankSettings = new ArrayList();
// Filling in bank settings here...
AuthApi authApi = new AuthApi(new ApiClient("Bank name", bankSettings));
Token token = authApi.getCurrentToken();
Get current token data
Returned values
Data type | Description |
Token | Current token. Values for some fields might be missing if not used. |
Data type | Description |
HttpError | Error in case token data is not available |
Code samples
const enablebanking = require('enablebanking');
const aispApi = new enablebanking.AISPApi(
new enablebanking.ApiClient('Bank name', [ /* Bank settings */ ]));
const accounts = await aispApi.getAccounts();
import enablebanking
aisp_api = enablebanking.AISPApi(enablebanking.ApiClient(
'Bank name',
# Bank settings
accounts = aisp_api.get_accounts()
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
import com.enablebanking.model.*;
import com.enablebanking.api.AispApi;
List bankSettings = new ArrayList();
// Filling in bank settings here...
AispApi aispApi = new AispApi(new ApiClient("Bank name", bankSettings));
HalAccounts accounts = aispApi.getAccounts();
Retrieval of the PSU accounts (AISP)
This call returns all payment accounts that are relevant the PSU on behalf of whom the AISP is connected. Thanks to HYPERMEDIA, each account is returned with the links aiming to ease access to the relevant transactions and balances. The result may be subject to pagination (i.e. retrieving a partial result in case of having too many results) through a set of pages by the ASPSP. Thereafter, the AISP may ask for the first, next, previous or last page of results.Prerequisites
- The TPP has been registered by the Registration Authority for the AISP role.
- The TPP and the PSU have a contract that has been enrolled by the ASPSP
- At this step, the ASPSP has delivered an OAUTH2 "Authorization Code" or "Resource Owner Password" access token to the TPP (cf. § 3.4.2).
- The TPP and the ASPSP have successfully processed a mutual check and authentication
- The TPP has presented its OAUTH2 "Authorization Code" or "Resource Owner Password" access token which allows the ASPSP to identify the relevant PSU and retrieve the linked PSU context (cf. § 3.4.2) if any.
- The ASPSP takes into account the access token that establishes the link between the PSU and the AISP.
Business Flow
The TPP sends a request to the ASPSP for retrieving the list of the PSU payment accounts. The ASPSP computes the relevant PSU accounts and builds the answer as an accounts list. The result may be subject to pagination in order to avoid an excessive result set. Each payment account will be provided with its characteristics.Returned values
Data type | Description |
HalAccounts | The ASPSP return a PSU context |
- listing the accounts that have been made available to the AISP by the PSU and,
- for each of these accounts, the further transactions that have been enabled by the PSU through HYPERMEDIA links.| |None|No content.|
Data type | Description |
HttpError | Unauthorized, authentication failure. |
HttpError | Forbidden, authentication successful but access to resource is not allowed. |
HttpError | Not found, no request available. |
HttpError | Method Not Allowed. |
HttpError | Not Acceptable. |
HttpError | Request Timeout. |
HttpError | Too many requests. |
HttpError | Internal server error. |
HttpError | Service unavailable. |
Code samples
const enablebanking = require('enablebanking');
const aispApi = new enablebanking.AISPApi(
new enablebanking.ApiClient('Bank name', [ /* Bank settings */ ]));
const balances = await aispApi.getAccountBalances('203059694928560295396833');
import enablebanking
aisp_api = enablebanking.AISPApi(enablebanking.ApiClient(
'Bank name',
# Bank settings
balances = aisp_api.get_account_balances('203059694928560295396833')
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
import com.enablebanking.model.*;
import com.enablebanking.api.AispApi;
List bankSettings = new ArrayList();
// Filling in bank settings here...
AispApi aispApi = new AispApi(new ApiClient("Bank name", bankSettings));
HalBalances balances = aispApi.getAccountBalances("203059694928560295396833")
Retrieval of an account balances report (AISP)
This call returns a set of balances for a given PSU account that is specified by the AISP through an account resource Identification- The ASPSP must provide at least the accounting balance on the account.
- The ASPSP can provide other balance restitutions, e.g. instant balance, as well, if possible.
- Actually, from the PSD2 perspective, any other balances that are provided through the Web-Banking service of the ASPSP must also be provided by this ASPSP through the API.
- The TPP has been registered by the Registration Authority for the AISP role
- The TPP and the PSU have a contract that has been enrolled by the ASPSP
- At this step, the ASPSP has delivered an OAUTH2 “Authorization Code” or “Resource Owner Password” access token to the TPP (cf. § 3.4.2).
- The TPP and the ASPSP have successfully processed a mutual check and authentication
- The TPP has presented its OAUTH2 “Authorization Code” or “Resource Owner Password” access token which allows the ASPSP to identify the relevant PSU and retrieve the linked PSU context (cf. § 3.4.2) if any.
- The ASPSP takes into account the access token that establishes the link between the PSU and the AISP.
- The TPP has previously retrieved the list of available accounts for the PSU
Business flow
The AISP requests the ASPSP on one of the PSU’s accounts.The ASPSP answers by providing a list of balances on this account.
- The ASPSP must provide at least the accounting balance on the account.
- The ASPSP can provide other balance restitutions, e.g. instant balance, as well, if possible.
- Actually, from the PSD2 perspective, any other balances that are provided through the Web-Banking service of the ASPSP must also be provided by this ASPSP through the API.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
accountResourceId | string | true | Identification of account resource to fetch |
Returned values
Data type | Description |
HalBalances | The ASPSP answers with a list of account balances |
None | No content. |
Data type | Description |
HttpError | Invalid status value |
HttpError | Unauthorized, authentication failure. |
HttpError | Forbidden, authentication successful but access to resource is not allowed. |
HttpError | Not found, no request available. |
HttpError | Method Not Allowed. |
HttpError | Not Acceptable. |
HttpError | Request Timeout. |
HttpError | Too many requests. |
HttpError | Internal server error. |
HttpError | Service unavailable. |
Code samples
const enablebanking = require('enablebanking');
const aispApi = new enablebanking.AISPApi(
new enablebanking.ApiClient('Bank name', [ /* Bank settings */ ]));
const transactions = await aispApi.getAccountTransactions('203059694928560295396833');
import enablebanking
aisp_api = enablebanking.AISPApi(enablebanking.ApiClient(
'Bank name',
# Bank settings
transactions = aisp_api.get_account_transactions('203059694928560295396833')
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
import com.enablebanking.model.*;
import com.enablebanking.api.AispApi;
List bankSettings = new ArrayList();
// Filling in bank settings here...
AispApi aispApi = new AispApi(new ApiClient("Bank name", bankSettings));
HalTransactions transactions = aispApi.getAccountTransactions("203059694928560295396833");
Retrieval of an account transaction set (AISP)
This call returns transactions for an account for a given PSU account that is specified by the AISP through an account resource identification. The request may use some filter parameter in order to restrict the query- on a given imputation date range
- past a given incremental technical identification
- The TPP has been registered by the Registration Authority for the AISP role
- The TPP and the PSU have a contract that has been enrolled by the ASPSP
- At this step, the ASPSP has delivered an OAUTH2 "Authorization Code" or "Resource Owner Password" access token to the TPP (cf. § 3.4.2).
- The TPP and the ASPSP have successfully processed a mutual check and authentication
- The TPP has presented its OAUTH2 "Authorization Code" or "Resource Owner Password" access token which allows the ASPSP to identify the relevant PSU and retrieve the linked PSU context (cf. § 3.4.2) is any.
- The ASPSP takes into account the access token that establishes the link between the PSU and the AISP.
- The TPP has previously retrieved the list of available accounts for the PSU
Business flow
The AISP requests the ASPSP on one of the PSU’s accounts. It may specify some selection criteria. The ASPSP answers by a set of transactions that matches the query. The result may be subject to pagination in order to avoid an excessive result set.Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
accountResourceId | string | true | Identification of account resource to fetch |
dateFrom | string(date-time) | false | Inclusive minimal imputation date of the transactions. |
dateTo | string(date-time) | false | Exclusive maximal imputation date of the transactions. |
afterEntryReference | string | false | Specifies the value on which the result has to be computed. |
Detailed descriptions
dateFrom: Inclusive minimal imputation date of the transactions.
Transactions having an imputation date equal to this parameter are included within the result.
dateTo: Exclusive maximal imputation date of the transactions.
Transactions having an imputation date equal to this parameter are not included within the result.
afterEntryReference: Specifies the value on which the result has to be computed.
Only the transaction having a technical identification greater than this value must be included within the result
Returned values
Data type | Description |
HalTransactions | Complete transactions response |
None | No content. |
Data type | Description |
HttpError | Invalid status value |
HttpError | Unauthorized, authentication failure. |
HttpError | Forbidden, authentication successful but access to resource is not allowed. |
HttpError | Not found, no request available. |
HttpError | Method Not Allowed. |
HttpError | Not Acceptable. |
HttpError | Request Timeout. |
HttpError | Too many requests. |
HttpError | Internal server error. |
HttpError | Service unavailable. |
Code samples
const enablebanking = require('enablebanking');
const aispApi = new enablebanking.AISPApi(
new enablebanking.ApiClient('Bank name', [ /* Bank settings */ ]));
const consent = await aispApi.modifyConsents({
access: {
balances: ['203059694928560295396833'],
transactions: [],
trustedBeneficiaries: false,
psuIdentity: true
import enablebanking
aisp_api = enablebanking.AISPApi(enablebanking.ApiClient(
'Bank name',
# Bank settings
consent = aisp_api.modify_consents(
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
import com.enablebanking.model.*;
import com.enablebanking.api.AispApi;
List bankSettings = new ArrayList();
// Filling in bank settings here...
AispApi aispApi = new AispApi(new ApiClient("Bank name", bankSettings));
Consent consent = aispApi.modifyConsents(
new Access(
new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("203059694928560295396833")), // balances
new ArrayList(), // transactions
false, // trusted benefeciaries
true // PSU identity
Forwarding the PSU consent (AISP)
In the mixed detailed consent on accounts- the AISP captures the consent of the PSU
- then it forwards this consent to the ASPSP
- The TPP has been registered by the Registration Authority for the AISP role.
- The TPP and the PSU have a contract that has been enrolled by the ASPSP
- At this step, the ASPSP has delivered an OAUTH2 "Authorization Code" or "Resource Owner Password" access token to the TPP (cf. § 3.4.2).
- The TPP and the ASPSP have successfully processed a mutual check and authentication
- The TPP has presented its OAUTH2 "Authorization Code" or "Resource Owner Password" access token which allows the ASPSP to identify the relevant PSU and retrieve the linked PSU context (cf. § 3.4.2) if any.
- The ASPSP takes into account the access token that establishes the link between the PSU and the AISP.
Business Flow
The PSU specifies to the AISP which of his/her accounts will be accessible and which functionalities should be available. The AISP forwards these settings to the ASPSP. The ASPSP answers by HTTP201 return code.Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
access | Access | false | List of consents granted to the AISP by the PSU. |
Returned values
Data type | Description |
Consent | Created or modified consent |
Data type | Description |
HttpError | Invalid status value |
HttpError | Unauthorized, authentication failure. |
HttpError | Forbidden, authentication successful but access to resource is not allowed. |
HttpError | Method Not Allowed. |
HttpError | Not Acceptable. |
HttpError | Request Timeout. |
HttpError | Too many requests. |
HttpError | Internal server error. |
HttpError | Service unavailable. |
Code samples
const enablebanking = require('enablebanking');
const aispApi = new enablebanking.AISPApi(
new enablebanking.ApiClient('Bank name', [ /* Bank settings */ ]));
const consent = await aispApi.getCurrentConsent();
import enablebanking
aisp_api = enablebanking.AISPApi(enablebanking.ApiClient(
'Bank name',
# Bank settings
consent = aisp_api.get_current_consent()
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
import com.enablebanking.model.*;
import com.enablebanking.api.AispApi;
List bankSettings = new ArrayList();
// Filling in bank settings here...
AispApi aispApi = new AispApi(new ApiClient("Bank name", bankSettings));
Consent consent = aispApi.getCurrentConsent();
Returns current consent (AISP)
Returned values
Data type | Description |
Consent | Current consent used for accessing AIS APIs. |
Data type | Description |
HttpError | Invalid status value |
HttpError | Unauthorized, authentication failure. |
HttpError | Forbidden, authentication successful but access to resource is not allowed. |
HttpError | Not found, no request available. |
HttpError | Method Not Allowed. |
HttpError | Not Acceptable. |
HttpError | Request Timeout. |
HttpError | Too many requests. |
HttpError | Internal server error. |
HttpError | Service unavailable. |
Code samples
const enablebanking = require('enablebanking');
const pispApi = new enablebanking.PISPApi(
new enablebanking.ApiClient('Bank name', [ /* Bank settings */ ]));
const requestCreation = await pispApi.makePaymentRequest({
creditTransferTransaction: [{
instructedAmount: {
amount: '12.3', // amount
currency: 'EUR' // currency code
beneficiary: {
creditor: {
name: 'Creditor Name' // payee (merchant) name
creditorAccount: {
iban: 'FI3420301544117544' // payee account number
debtor: {
name: 'Debtor Name' // payer (account holder) name
debtorAccount: {
iban: 'FI6120301544118028' // payer account number
import enablebanking
pisp_api = enablebanking.PISPApi(enablebanking.ApiClient(
'Bank name',
# Bank settings
request_creation = pisp_api.make_payment_request(
amount='12.3', # amount
currency='EUR'), # currency code
name='Creditor Name'), # payee (merchant) name
iban='FI3420301544117544'), # payee account number
name='Debtor Name'), # payer (account holder) name
iban='FI6120301544118028'), # payer account number
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
import com.enablebanking.model.*;
import com.enablebanking.api.PispApi;
List bankSettings = new ArrayList();
// Filling in bank settings here...
PispApi pispApi = new PispApi(new ApiClient("Bank name", bankSettings));
HalPaymentRequestCreation requestCreation = pispApi.makePaymentRequest(
new PaymentRequestResource(
// credit transafer transaction
new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(
new CreditTransferTransaction(
// instructed amount
new AmountType(
"12.3", // amount
"EUR" // currency code
// beneficiary
new Beneficiary(
// creditor
new PartyIdentification(
"Creditor Name" // payee (merchant) name
// creditor account
new AccountIdentification(
"FI3420301544117544" // payee account number
// debtor
new PartyIdentification(
"Debtor Name" // payer (account holder) name
// debtor account
new AccountIdentification(
"FI6120301544118028" // payer account number
Payment request initiation (PISP)
The following use cases can be applied:- payment request on behalf of a merchant
- transfer request on behalf of the account's owner
- standing-order request on behalf of the account's owner
Data content
A payment request or a transfer request might embed several payment instructions having- one single execution date or multiple execution dates
- case of one single execution date, this date must be set at the payment level
- case of multiple execution dates, those dates must be set at each payment instruction level
- one single beneficiary or multiple beneficiaries
- case of one single beneficiary, this beneficiary must be set at the payment level
- case of multiple beneficiaries, those beneficiaries must be set at each payment instruction level
- The beneficiary must be set at the payment level
- The standing order specific characteristics (start date, periodicity...) must be set at the instruction level
Prerequisites for all use cases
- The TPP has been registered by the Registration Authority for the PISP role
- The TPP was provided with an OAUTH2 "Client Credential" access token by the ASPSP (cf. § 3.4.3).
- The TPP and the ASPSP have successfully processed a mutual check and authentication
- The TPP has presented its "OAUTH2 Client Credential" access token
Business flow
Payment Request use case
The PISP forwards a payment request on behalf of a merchant.The PSU buys some goods or services on an e-commerce website held by a merchant. Among other payment method, the merchant suggests the use of a PISP service. As there is obviously a contract between the merchant and the PISP, there is no need of such a contract between the PSU and this PISP to initiate the process.
Case of the PSU that chooses to use the PISP service:
- The merchant forwards the requested payment characteristics to the PISP and redirects the PSU to the PISP portal.
- The PISP requests from the PSU which ASPSP will be used.
- The PISP prepares the Payment Request and sends this request to the ASPSP.
- The Request can embed several payment instructions having different requested execution date.
- The beneficiary, as being the merchant, is set at the payment level.
Transfer Request use case
The PISP forwards a transfer request on behalf of the owner of the account.- The PSU provides the PISP with all information needed for the transfer.
- The PISP prepares the Transfer Request and sends this request to the relevant ASPSP that holds the debtor account.
- The Request can embed several payment instructions having different beneficiaries.
- The requested execution date, as being the same for all instructions, is set at the payment level.
Standing Order Request use case
The PISP forwards a Standing Order request on behalf of the owner of the account.- The PSU provides the PISP with all information needed for the Standing Order.
- The PISP prepares the Standing Order Request and sends this request to the relevant ASPSP that holds the debtor account.
- The Request embeds one single payment instruction with
- The requested execution date of the first occurrence
- The requested execution frequency of the payment in order to compute further execution dates
- An execution rule to handle cases when the computed execution dates cannot be processed (e.g. bank holydays)
- An optional end date for closing the standing Order
Authentication flows for all use cases
As the request posted by the PISP to the ASPSP needs a PSU authentication before execution, this request will include:- The specification of the authentication approaches that are supported by the PISP (any combination of "REDIRECT", "EMBEDDED" and "DECOUPLED" values).
- In case of possible REDIRECT or DECOUPLED authentication approach, one or two call-back URLs to be used by the ASPSP at the finalisation of the authentication and consent process :
- The first call-back URL will be called by the ASPSP if the Payment Request is processed without any error or rejection by the PSU
- The second call-back URL is to be used by the ASPSP in case of processing error or rejection by the PSU. Since this second URL is optional, the PISP might not provide it. In this case, the ASPSP will use the same URL for any processing result.
- Both call-back URLS must be used in a TLS-secured request.
- In case of possible "EMBEDDED" or "DECOUPLED" approaches, the PSU identifier that can be processed by the ASPSP for PSU recognition must have been set within the request body [debtor] structure.
- A location link of the saved Request that will be further used to retrieve the Request and its status information.
- The specification of the chosen authentication approach taking into account both the PISP and the PSU capabilities.
- In case of chosen REDIRECT authentication approach, the URL to be used by the PISP for redirecting the PSU in order to perform a authentication.
Redirect authentication approach
When the chosen authentication approach within the ASPSP answers is set to "REDIRECT":- The PISP redirects the PSU to the ASPSP which authenticates the PSU
- The ASPSP asks the PSU to give (or deny) his/her consent to the Payment Request
- The PSU chooses or confirms which of his/her accounts shall be used by the ASPSP for the future Credit Transfer.
- The ASPSP is then able to initiate the subsequent Credit Transfer
- The ASPSP redirects the PSU to the PISP using one of the call-back URLs provided within the posted Payment Request
Decoupled authentication approach
When the chosen authentication approach is "DECOUPLED":- Based on the PSU identifier provided within the Payment Request by the PISP, the ASPSP gives the PSU with the Payment Request details and challenges the PSU for a Strong Customer Authentication on a decoupled device or application.
- The PSU chooses or confirms which of his/her accounts shall be used by the ASPSP for the future Credit Transfer.
- The ASPSP is then able to initiate the subsequent Credit Transfer
- The ASPSP notifies the PISP about the finalisation of the authentication and consent process by using one of the call-back URLs provided within the posted Payment Request
Embedded authentication approach
When the chosen authentication approach within the ASPSP answers is set to "EMBEDDED":- The TPP informs the PSU that a challenge is needed for completing the Payment Request processing. This challenge will be one of the following:
- A One-Time-Password sent by the ASPSP to the PSU on a separate device or application.
- A response computed by a specific device on base of a challenge sent by the ASPSP to the PSU on a separate device or application.
- The PSU unlock the device or application through a "knowledge factor" and/or an "inherence factor" (biometric), retrieves the Payment Request details and processes the data sent by the ASPSP;
- The PSU might choose or confirm which of his/her accounts shall be used by the ASPSP for the future Credit Transfer when the device or application allows it.
- When agreeing the Payment Request, the PSU enters the resulting authentication factor through the PISP interface which will forward it to the ASPSP through a confirmation request (cf. § 4.7)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
paymentRequest | PaymentRequestResource | true | ISO20022 based payment Initiation Request |
Returned values
Data type | Description |
HalPaymentRequestCreation | The request has been created as a resource. The ASPSP must authenticate the PSU. |
Data type | Description |
HttpError | Invalid status value |
HttpError | Unauthorized, authentication failure. |
HttpError | Forbidden, authentication successful but access to resource is not allowed. |
HttpError | Method Not Allowed. |
HttpError | Not Acceptable. |
HttpError | Request Timeout. |
HttpError | Too many requests. |
HttpError | Internal server error. |
HttpError | Service unavailable. |
Retrieval of a payment request (PISP)
The following use cases can be applied:- retrieval of a payment request on behalf of a merchant
- retrieval of a transfer request on behalf of the account's owner
- retrieval of a standing-order request on behalf of the account's owner
The ASPSP has registered the Request, updated if necessary the relevant identifiers in order to avoid duplicates and returned the location of the updated Request.
The PISP gets the Request that might have been updated with the resource identifiers, the status of the Payment/Transfer Request and the status of the subsequent credit transfer.
- The TPP has been registered by the Registration Authority for the PISP role
- The TPP was provided with an OAUTH2 "Client Credential" access token by the ASPSP (cf. § 3.4.3).
- The TPP has previously posted a Request which has been saved by the ASPSP (cf. § 4.5.3)
- The ASPSP has answered with a location link to the saved Payment/Transfer Request (cf. § 4.5.4)
- The TPP and the ASPSP have successfully processed a mutual check and authentication
- The TPP has presented its "OAUTH2 Client Credential" access token
Business flow
The PISP asks to retrieve the Payment/Transfer Request that has been saved by the ASPSP. The PISP uses the location link provided by the ASPSP in response of the posting of this request.The ASPSP returns the previously posted Payment/Transfer Request which is enriched with:
- The resource identifiers given by the ASPSP
- The status information of the Payment Request and of the subsequent credit transfer
Name | Type | Required | Description |
paymentRequestResourceId | string | true | Identification of the Payment Request Resource |
Returned values
Data type | Description |
HalPaymentRequest | Retrieval of the previously posted Payment Request |
Data type | Description |
HttpError | Invalid status value |
HttpError | Unauthorized, authentication failure. |
HttpError | Forbidden, authentication successful but access to resource is not allowed. |
HttpError | Not found, no request available. |
HttpError | Method Not Allowed. |
HttpError | Not Acceptable. |
HttpError | Request Timeout. |
HttpError | Too many requests. |
HttpError | Internal server error. |
HttpError | Service unavailable. |
Modification of a Payment/Transfer Request (PISP)
The PISP sent a Payment/Transfer Request through a POST command.The ASPSP registered the Payment/Transfer Request, updated if necessary the relevant identifiers in order to avoid duplicates and returned the location of the updated Request.
The PISP got the Payment/Transfer Request that might have been updated with the resource identifiers, the status of the Payment/Transfer Request and the status of the subsequent credit transfer.
The PISP request for the payment cancellation or for some payment instructions cancellation
No other modification of the Payment/Transfer Request is allowed.
- The TPP was registered by the Registration Authority for the PISP role
- The TPP was provided with an OAUTH2 "Client Credential" access token by the ASPSP (cf. § 3.4.3).
- The TPP previously posted a Payment/Transfer Request which was saved by the ASPSP (cf. § 4.5.3)
- The ASPSP answered with a location link to the saved Payment/Transfer Request (cf. § 4.5.4)
- The PISP retrieved the saved Payment/Transfer Request (cf. § 4.5.4)
- The TPP and the ASPSP successfully processed a mutual check and authentication
- The TPP presented its "OAUTH2 Client Credential" access token.
- The TPP presented the payment/transfer request.
- The PSU was successfully authenticated.
Business flow
the following cases can be applied:- Case of a payment with multiple instructions or a standing order, the PISP asks to cancel the whole Payment/Transfer or Standing Order Request including all non-executed payment instructions by setting the [paymentInformationStatus] to "RJCT" and the relevant [statusReasonInformation] to "DS02" at payment level.
- Case of a payment with multiple instructions, the PISP asks to cancel one or several payment instructions by setting the [transactionStatus] to "RJCT" and the relevant [statusReasonInformation] to "DS02" at each relevant instruction level.
- The specification of the authentication approaches that are supported by the PISP (any combination of "REDIRECT", "EMBEDDED" and "DECOUPLED" values).
- In case of possible REDIRECT or DECOUPLED authentication approach, one or two call-back URLs to be used by the ASPSP at the finalisation of the authentication and consent process :
- The first call-back URL will be called by the ASPSP if the Transfer Request is processed without any error or rejection by the PSU
- The second call-back URL is to be used by the ASPSP in case of processing error or rejection by the PSU. Since this second URL is optional, the PISP might not provide it. In this case, the ASPSP will use the same URL for any processing result.
- Both call-back URLS must be used in a TLS-secured request, including mutual authentication based on each party’s TLS certificate.
- In case of possible "EMBEDDED" or "DECOUPLED" approaches, a PSU identifier that can be processed by the ASPSP for PSU recognition.
- The specification of the chosen authentication approach taking into account both the PISP and the PSU capabilities.
- In case of chosen REDIRECT authentication approach, the URL to be used by the PISP for redirecting the PSU in order to perform an authentication.
Authentication flows for both use cases
Redirect authentication approach
When the chosen authentication approach within the ASPSP answers is set to "REDIRECT":- The PISP redirects the PSU to the ASPSP which authenticates the PSU
- The ASPSP asks the PSU to give (or deny) his/her consent to the Payment Request
- The PSU chooses or confirms which of his/her accounts shall be used by the ASPSP for the future Credit Transfer.
- The ASPSP is then able to initiate the subsequent Credit Transfer
- The ASPSP redirects the PSU to the PISP using one of the call-back URLs provided within the posted Payment Request
Decoupled authentication approach
When the chosen authentication approach is "DECOUPLED":- Based on the PSU identifier provided within the Payment Request by the PISP, the ASPSP gives the PSU with the Payment Request details and challenges the PSU for a Strong Customer Authentication on a decoupled device or application.
- The PSU chooses or confirms which of his/her accounts shall be used by the ASPSP for the future Credit Transfer.
- The ASPSP is then able to initiate the subsequent Credit Transfer
- The ASPSP notifies the PISP about the finalisation of the authentication and consent process by using one of the call-back URLs provided within the posted Payment Request
Embedded authentication approach
When the chosen authentication approach within the ASPSP answers is set to "EMBEDDED":- The TPP informs the PSU that a challenge is needed for completing the Payment Request processing. This challenge will be one of the following:
- A One-Time-Password sent by the ASPSP to the PSU on a separate device or application.
- A response computed by a specific device on base of a challenge sent by the ASPSP to the PSU on a separate device or application.
- The PSU unlock the device or application through a "knowledge factor" and/or an "inherence factor" (biometric), retrieves the Payment Request details and processes the data sent by the ASPSP;
- The PSU might choose or confirm which of his/her accounts shall be used by the ASPSP for the future Credit Transfer when the device or application allows it.
- When agreeing the Payment Request, the PSU enters the resulting authentication factor through the PISP interface which will forward it to the ASPSP through a confirmation request (cf. § 4.7)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
paymentRequestResourceId | string | true | Identification of the Payment Request Resource |
paymentRequest | PaymentRequestResource | true | ISO20022 based payment Initiation Request |
Returned values
Data type | Description |
HalPaymentRequestCreation | The modification request has been saved. The ASPSP must authenticate the PSU before committing the update. |
Data type | Description |
HttpError | Invalid status value |
HttpError | Unauthorized, authentication failure. |
HttpError | Forbidden, authentication successful but access to resource is not allowed. |
HttpError | Not found, no request available. |
HttpError | Method Not Allowed. |
HttpError | Not Acceptable. |
HttpError | Request Timeout. |
HttpError | Too many requests. |
HttpError | Internal server error. |
HttpError | Service unavailable. |
Confirmation of a payment request or a modification request (PISP)
The PISP confirms one of the following requests- payment request on behalf of a merchant
- transfer request on behalf of the account's owner
- standing-order request on behalf of the account's owner
- The TPP has been registered by the Registration Authority for the PISP role
- The TPP was provided with an OAUTH2 "Client Credential" access token by the ASPSP (cf. § 3.4.3).
- The TPP has previously posted a Request which has been saved by the ASPSP (cf. § 4.5.3)
- The ASPSP has answered with a location link to the saved Payment Request (cf. § 4.5.4)
- The TPP has retrieved the saved request in order to get the relevant resource Ids (cf. § 4.6).
- The TPP and the ASPSP have successfully processed a mutual check and authentication
- The TPP has presented its "OAUTH2 Client Credential" access token
Business flow
Once the PSU has been authenticated, it is the due to the PISP to confirm the Request to the ASPSP in order to complete the process flow.In REDIRECT and DECOUPLED approach, this confirmation is not a prerequisite to the execution of the Credit Transfer.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
paymentRequestResourceId | string | true | Identification of the Payment Request Resource |
paymentRequestData | PaymentRequestResource | false | ISO20022 based payment Initiation Request |
confirmation | PaymentRequestConfirmation | false | parameters needed for confirmation of the Payment Request, especially in EMBEDDED approach |
Returned values
Data type | Description |
HalPaymentRequest | retrieval of the Payment Request enriched with the status report |
Data type | Description |
HttpError | Invalid status value |
HttpError | Unauthorized, authentication failure. |
HttpError | Forbidden, authentication successful but access to resource is not allowed. |
HttpError | Method Not Allowed. |
HttpError | Not Acceptable. |
HttpError | Request Timeout. |
HttpError | Too many requests. |
HttpError | Internal server error. |
HttpError | Service unavailable. |
Data types
Name | Type | Required | Description |
url | string | false | URL for authorization |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | false | The access token value |
token_type | string | false | Type of the token is set to "Bearer" |
expires_in | integer(int32) | false | The lifetime in seconds of the access token |
refresh_token | string | false | The refresh token value |
scope | string | false | Scopes of the token |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
Bearer | — |
HYPERMEDIA structure used for returning the list of the connectors for given countries
Name | Type | Required | Description |
connectors | [Connector] | true | List of connectors |
_links | ConnectorsLinks | false | links that can be used for further navigation when browsing connector information |
links that can be used for further navigation when browsing connector information
Name | Type | Required | Description |
self | GenericLink | true | hypertext reference |
Information about connector used for interaction with a bank
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | false | The name of connector |
countries | [string] | false | The list of all countries supported by connector |
scopes | [string] | false | The list of all scopes supported by connector |
The ASPSP, based on the authentication approaches proposed by the PISP, choose the one that it can processed, in respect with the preferences and constraints of the PSU and indicates in this field which approach has been chosen
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | The ASPSP, based on the authentication approaches proposed by the PISP, choose the one that it can processed, in respect with the preferences and constraints of the PSU and indicates in this field which approach has been chosen |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
REDIRECT | the PSU is redirected by the TPP to the ASPSP which processes identification and authentication |
DECOUPLED | the TPP identifies the PSU and forwards the identification to the ASPSP which processes the authentication through a decoupled device |
EMBEDDED | the TPP identifies the PSU and forwards the identification to the ASPSP which starts the authentication. The TPP forwards one authentication factor of the PSU (e.g. OTP or response to a challenge) |
ISO20022: Unique identification of an account, a person or an organisation, as assigned by an issuer. API: The ASPSP will document which account reference type it will support.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
identification | string | true | API Identifier |
schemeName | string | true | Name of the identification scheme. Partially based on ISO20022 external code list |
issuer | string | false | ISO20022: Entity that assigns the identification. this could a country code or any organisation name or identifier that can be recognized by both parties |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
BANK | BankPartyIdentification. Unique and unambiguous assignment made by a specific bank or similar financial institution to identify a relationship as defined between the bank and its client. |
COID | CountryIdentificationCode. Country authority given organisation identification (e.g., corporate registration number) |
SREN | The SIREN number is a 9 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation in France. |
SRET | The SIRET number is a 14 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation unit in France. It consists of the SIREN number, followed by a five digit classification number, to identify the local geographical unit of that entity. |
NIDN | NationalIdentityNumber. Number assigned by an authority to identify the national identity number of a person. |
OAUT | OAUTH2 access token that is owned by the PISP being also an AISP and that can be used in order to identify the PSU |
CPAN | Card PAN |
BBAN | Basic Bank Account Number. Represents a country-specific bank account number. |
Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
iban | string | false | ISO20022: International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identification used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and content of the IBAN can be found in the standard ISO 13616 "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account Number (IBAN)" version 1997-10-01, or later revisions. |
other | GenericIdentification | false | ISO20022: Unique identification of an account, a person or an organisation, as assigned by an issuer. API: The ASPSP will document which account reference type it will support. |
ISO20022: structure aiming to carry either an instructed amount or equivalent amount. Both structures embed the amount and the currency to be used.
API: only instructed amount can be used
Name | Type | Required | Description |
currency | string | true | Specifies the currency of the amount. A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds". |
amount | string(number) | true | ISO20022: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. |
ISO20022: Information used to identify a member within a clearing system. API: to be used for some specific international credit transfers in order to identify the beneficiary bank
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clearingSystemId | string | false | ISO20022: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which the payment instruction is processed. |
memberId | string | false | ISO20022: Identification of a member of a clearing system. |
ISO20022: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
bicFi | string | true | ISO20022: Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identification code (BIC)". |
clearingSystemMemberId | ClearingSystemMemberIdentification | false | ISO20022: Information used to identify a member within a clearing system. API: to be used for some specific international credit transfers in order to identify the beneficiary bank |
name | string | false | Name of the financial institution |
postalAddress | PostalAddress | false | ISO20022 : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. |
ISO20022 : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
country | string | true | ISO20022: Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed. |
addressLine | [string] | true | Unstructured address. The two lines must embed zip code and town name |
API : Description of a Party which can be either a person or an organization.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | ISO20022: Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. |
postalAddress | PostalAddress | false | ISO20022 : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. |
organisationId | GenericIdentification | false | ISO20022: Unique identification of an account, a person or an organisation, as assigned by an issuer. API: The ASPSP will document which account reference type it will support. |
privateId | GenericIdentification | false | ISO20022: Unique identification of an account, a person or an organisation, as assigned by an issuer. API: The ASPSP will document which account reference type it will support. |
Identifier assigned by the ASPSP for further use of the created resource through API calls
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | Identifier assigned by the ASPSP for further use of the created resource through API calls |
ISO20022: Set of elements used to reference a payment instruction.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
resourceId | ResourceId | false | Identifier assigned by the ASPSP for further use of the created resource through API calls |
instructionId | string | false | ISO20022: Unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify the instruction. API: Unique identification shared between the PISP and the ASPSP |
endToEndId | string | false | ISO20022: Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unambiguously identify the transaction. This identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain. API: Unique identification shared between the merchant and the PSU |
ISO20022: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the instructed party to apply to the processing of the instruction.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | ISO20022: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the instructed party to apply to the processing of the instruction. |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
HIGH | High priority |
NORM | Normal priority |
ISO20022: Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | ISO20022: Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain. |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
CASH | Transaction is a general cash management instruction (CashManagementTransfer). |
DVPM | Code used to pre-advise the account servicer of a forthcoming deliver against payment instruction (DeliverAgainstPayment). |
ISO20022: Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed. Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | ISO20022: Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed. Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list. |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
NURG | Other Credit Transfer |
SEPA | SEPA Credit Transfer |
ISO20022: User community specific instrument. Usage: This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the service or service level.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | ISO20022: User community specific instrument. Usage: This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the service or service level. |
ISO20022: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instructionPriority | PriorityCode | false | ISO20022: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the instructed party to apply to the processing of the instruction. |
serviceLevel | ServiceLevelCode | false | ISO20022: Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed. Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list. |
localInstrument | LocalInstrumentCode | false | ISO20022: User community specific instrument. Usage: This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the service or service level. |
categoryPurpose | CategoryPurposeCode | false | ISO20022: Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain. |
ISO20022: Underlying reason for the payment transaction, as published in an external purpose code list.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | ISO20022: Underlying reason for the payment transaction, as published in an external purpose code list. |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
ACCT | Funds moved between 2 accounts of same account holder at the same bank. |
CASH | general cash management instruction, may be used for Transfer Initiation. |
COMC | Transaction is related to a payment of commercial credit or debit. |
CPKC | General Carpark Charges Transaction is related to carpark charges. |
TRPT | Transport RoadPricing Transaction is for the payment to top-up pre-paid card and electronic road pricing for the purpose of transportation. |
ISO20022: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | ISO20022: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction. |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
SLEV | Service level. Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the service level and/or scheme. |
SHAR | Shared. |
ISO20022: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system. API: Only one occurrence is allowed
Name | Type | Required | Description |
remittanceLine | string | false | Relevant information to the transaction |
ISO20022: Specifies the status of the payment information.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | ISO20022: Specifies the status of the payment information. |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
ACCP | AcceptedCustomerProfile. Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful. |
ACSC | AcceptedSettlementCompleted. Settlement on the debtor's account has been completed. |
ACSP | AcceptedSettlementInProcess. All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful. Dynamic risk assessment is now also successful and therefore the Payment Request has been accepted for execution. |
ACTC | AcceptedTechnicalValidation. Authentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful. |
ACWC | AcceptedWithChange. Instruction is accepted but a change will be made, such as date or remittance not sent. |
ACWP | AcceptedWithoutPosting. Payment instruction included in the credit transfer is accepted without being posted to the creditor customer’s account. |
PART | PartiallyAccepted. A number of transactions have been accepted, whereas another number of transactions have not yet achieved 'accepted' status. |
RCVD | Received. Payment initiation has been received by the receiving agent. |
PDNG | Pending. Payment request or individual transaction included in the Payment Request is pending. Further checks and status update will be performed. |
RJCT | Rejected. Payment request has been rejected. |
ISO20022: Specifies the status of the payment information group.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | ISO20022: Specifies the status of the payment information group. |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
RCVD | Payment request or individual transaction included in the Payment Request has been received by the receiving agent. |
RJCT | Payment request or individual transaction included in the Payment Request has been rejected. |
PDNG | Pending. Payment request or individual transaction included in the Payment Request is pending. Further checks and status update will be performed. |
ACSP | All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the Payment Request has been accepted for execution. |
ACSC | Settlement on the debtor's account has been completed. |
ISO20022: Provides detailed information on the status reason. Can only be used in status equal to "RJCT".
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | ISO20022: Provides detailed information on the status reason. Can only be used in status equal to "RJCT". |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
AC01 | IncorectAccountNumber. the account number is either invalid or does not exist |
AC04 | ClosedAccountNumber. the account is closed and cannot be used |
AC06 | BlockedAccount. the account is blocked and cannot be used |
AG01 | Transaction forbidden. Transaction forbidden on this type of account |
CH03 | RequestedExecutionDateOrRequestedCollectionDateTooFarInFuture. The requested execution date is too far in the future |
CUST | RequestedByCustomer. The reject is due to the debtor (refusal or lack of liquidity) |
DS02 | OrderCancelled. An authorized user has cancelled the order |
FF01 | InvalidFileFormat. The reject is due to the original Payment Request which is invalid (syntax, structure or values) |
FRAD | FraudulentOriginated. the Payment Request is considered as fraudulent |
MS03 | NotSpecifiedReasonAgentGenerated. No reason specified by the ASPSP |
NOAS | NoAnswerFromCustomer. The PSU has neither accepted nor rejected the Payment Request and a time-out has occurred |
RR01 | MissingDebtorAccountOrIdentification. The Debtor account and/or Identification are missing or inconsistent |
RR03 | MissingCreditorNameOrAddress. Specification of the creditor’s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing. |
RR04 | RegulatoryReason. Reject from regulatory reason |
RR12 | InvalidPartyID. Invalid or missing identification required within a particular country or payment type. |
Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements. Economical codes to be used are provided by the National Competent Authority
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements. Economical codes to be used are provided by the National Competent Authority |
List of needed regulatory reporting codes for international payments
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | [RegulatoryReportingCode] | false | List of needed regulatory reporting codes for international payments |
ISO20022: Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment. API: This date can be used in the following cases:
- the single requested execution date for a payment having several instructions. In this case, this field must be set at the payment level.
- the requested execution date for a given instruction within a payment. In this case, this field must be set at each instruction level.
- The first date of execution for a standing order. When the payment cannot be processed at this date, the ASPSP is allowed to shift the applied execution date to the next possible execution date for non-standing orders. For standing orders, the [executionRule] parameter helps to compute the execution date to be applied.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string(date-time) | false | ISO20022: Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment. API: This date can be used in the following cases: - the single requested execution date for a payment having several instructions. In this case, this field must be set at the payment level. - the requested execution date for a given instruction within a payment. In this case, this field must be set at each instruction level. - The first date of execution for a standing order. When the payment cannot be processed at this date, the ASPSP is allowed to shift the applied execution date to the next possible execution date for non-standing orders. For standing orders, the [executionRule] parameter helps to compute the execution date to be applied. |
The last applicable day of execution for a given standing order. If not given, the standing order is considered as endless.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string(date-time) | false | The last applicable day of execution for a given standing order. If not given, the standing order is considered as endless. |
Execution date shifting rule for standing orders This data attribute defines the behaviour when recurring payment dates falls on a weekend or bank holiday. The payment is then executed either the "preceding" or "following" working day. ASPSP might reject the request due to the communicated value, if rules in Online-Banking are not supporting this execution rule.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | Execution date shifting rule for standing orders This data attribute defines the behaviour when recurring payment dates falls on a weekend or bank holiday. The payment is then executed either the "preceding" or "following" working day. ASPSP might reject the request due to the communicated value, if rules in Online-Banking are not supporting this execution rule. |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
FWNG | following |
PREC | preceding |
Frequency rule for standing orders. The following codes from the "EventFrequency7Code" of ISO 20022 are supported. However, each ASPSP might restrict these values into a subset.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | Frequency rule for standing orders. The following codes from the "EventFrequency7Code" of ISO 20022 are supported. However, each ASPSP might restrict these values into a subset. |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
DAIL | Daily |
WEEK | Weekly |
TOWK | EveryTwoWeeks |
MNTH | Monthly |
TOMN | EveryTwoMonths |
QUTR | Quarterly |
SEMI | SemiAnnual |
YEAR | Annual |
ISO20022: Payment processes required to transfer cash from the debtor to the creditor. API:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instructedAmount | AmountType | true | ISO20022: structure aiming to carry either an instructed amount or equivalent amount. Both structures embed the amount and the currency to be used. API: only instructed amount can be used |
beneficiary | Beneficiary | true | Specification of a beneficiary |
paymentId | PaymentIdentification | false | ISO20022: Set of elements used to reference a payment instruction. |
requestedExecutionDate | RequestedExecutionDate | false | ISO20022: Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment. API: This date can be used in the following cases: - the single requested execution date for a payment having several instructions. In this case, this field must be set at the payment level. - the requested execution date for a given instruction within a payment. In this case, this field must be set at each instruction level. - The first date of execution for a standing order. When the payment cannot be processed at this date, the ASPSP is allowed to shift the applied execution date to the next possible execution date for non-standing orders. For standing orders, the [executionRule] parameter helps to compute the execution date to be applied. |
endDate | EndDate | false | The last applicable day of execution for a given standing order. If not given, the standing order is considered as endless. |
executionRule | ExecutionRule | false | Execution date shifting rule for standing orders This data attribute defines the behaviour when recurring payment dates falls on a weekend or bank holiday. The payment is then executed either the "preceding" or "following" working day. ASPSP might reject the request due to the communicated value, if rules in Online-Banking are not supporting this execution rule. |
frequency | FrequencyCode | false | Frequency rule for standing orders. The following codes from the "EventFrequency7Code" of ISO 20022 are supported. However, each ASPSP might restrict these values into a subset. |
ultimateCreditor | PartyIdentification | false | API : Description of a Party which can be either a person or an organization. |
regulatoryReportingCodes | RegulatoryReportingCodes | false | List of needed regulatory reporting codes for international payments |
remittanceInformation | UnstructuredRemittanceInformation | false | ISO20022: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system. API: Only one occurrence is allowed |
transactionStatus | TransactionIndividualStatusCode | false | ISO20022: Specifies the status of the payment information group. |
statusReasonInformation | StatusReasonInformation | false | ISO20022: Provides detailed information on the status reason. Can only be used in status equal to "RJCT". |
Type of balance
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | Type of balance |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
CLBD | (ISO20022 ClosingBooked) Accounting Balance |
FWAV | (ISO20022 ForwardAvailable) Balance of money that is at the disposal of the account owner on the date specified |
ITAV | (ISO20022 InterimAvailable) Available balance calculated in the course of the day |
ITBD | (ISO20022 InterimBooked) Booked balance calculated in the course of the day |
OTHR | Other Balance |
VALU | Value-date balance |
XPCD | (ISO20022 Expected) Instant Balance |
Type of Transaction
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | Type of Transaction |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
BOOK | (ISO20022 ClosingBooked) Accounted transaction |
PDNG | (ISO20022 Expected) Instant Balance Transaction |
OTHR | Other |
structure of a transaction
Name | Type | Required | Description |
transactionAmount | AmountType | true | ISO20022: structure aiming to carry either an instructed amount or equivalent amount. Both structures embed the amount and the currency to be used. API: only instructed amount can be used |
creditDebitIndicator | string | true | Accounting flow of the transaction |
status | TransactionStatus | true | Type of Transaction |
remittanceInformation | UnstructuredRemittanceInformation | true | ISO20022: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system. API: Only one occurrence is allowed |
resourceId | ResourceId | false | Identifier assigned by the ASPSP for further use of the created resource through API calls |
entryReference | string | false | Technical incremental identification of the transaction. |
bookingDate | string(date) | false | Booking date of the transaction on the account |
valueDate | string(date) | false | Value date of the transaction on the account |
transactionDate | string(date) | false | Date used for specific purposes: - for card transaction: date of the transaction - for credit transfer: acquiring date of the transaction - for direct debit: receiving date of the transaction |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
CRDT | Credit type transaction |
DBIT | Debit type transaction |
PSU account that is made available to the TPP
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | Label of the PSU account In case of a delayed debit card transaction set, the name shall specify the holder name and the imputation date |
cashAccountType | string | true | Specifies the type of the account |
currency | string | true | Currency used for the account |
_links | AccountLinks | true | links that can be used for further navigation when browsing Account Information at one account level - balances: link to the balances of a given account - transactions: link to the transactions of a given account |
resourceId | ResourceId | false | Identifier assigned by the ASPSP for further use of the created resource through API calls |
bicFi | string | false | ISO20022: Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identification code (BIC)". |
accountId | AccountIdentification | false | Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer. |
details | string | false | Specifications that might be provided by the ASPSP - characteristics of the account - characteristics of the relevant card |
linkedAccount | string | false | Case of a set of pending card transactions, the APSP will provide the relevant cash account the card is set up on. |
usage | string | false | Specifies the usage of the account |
product | string | false | Product Name of the Bank for this account, proprietary definition |
balances | [BalanceResource] | false | list of balances provided by the ASPSP |
psuStatus | string | false | Relationship between the PSU and the account - Account Holder - Co-account Holder - Attorney |
Enumerated Values
Value | Description |
PRIV | private personal account |
ORGA | professional account |
Value | Description |
CACC | Account used to post debits and credits when no specific account has been nominated |
CASH | Account used for the payment of cash |
CARD | List of card based transactions (non ISO 20022) |
LOAN | Loan account |
Structure of an account balance
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | Label of the balance |
balanceAmount | AmountType | true | ISO20022: structure aiming to carry either an instructed amount or equivalent amount. Both structures embed the amount and the currency to be used. API: only instructed amount can be used |
balanceType | BalanceStatus | true | Type of balance |
lastChangeDateTime | string(date-time) | false | Timestamp of the last change of the balance amount |
referenceDate | string(date) | false | Reference date for the balance |
lastCommittedTransaction | string | false | Identification of the last committed transaction. This is actually useful for instant balance. |
Contains data for confirmation of payment request
Name | Type | Required | Description |
psuAuthenticationFactor | string | false | authentication factor forwarded by the TPP to the ASPSP in order to fulfil the strong customer authentication process |
User consent
Name | Type | Required | Description |
consentStatus | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
_links | ConsentLinks | false | none |
ISO20022 : Reference assigned by a sending party to unambiguously identify the payment information block within the message.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string | false | ISO20022 : Reference assigned by a sending party to unambiguously identify the payment information block within the message. |
ISO20022: Date and time at which a (group of) payment instruction(s) was created by the instructing party.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | string(date-time) | false | ISO20022: Date and time at which a (group of) payment instruction(s) was created by the instructing party. |
indicator that the payment can be covered or not by the funds available on the relevant account
- true: payment is covered
- false: payment is not covered
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | boolean | false | indicator that the payment can be covered or not by the funds available on the relevant account - true: payment is covered - false: payment is not covered |
indicator that the payment can be immediately booked or not
- true: payment is booked
- false: payment is not booked
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | boolean | false | indicator that the payment can be immediately booked or not - true: payment is booked - false: payment is not booked |
ISO20022: The PaymentRequestResource message is sent by the Creditor sending party to the Debtor receiving party, directly or through agents. It is used by a Creditor to request movement of funds from the debtor account to a creditor. API: Information about the creditor (Id, account and agent) might be placed either at payment level or at instruction level. Thus multi-beneficiary payments can be handled. The requested execution date can be placed either at payment level when all instructions are requested to be executed at the same date or at instruction level. The latest case includes:
- multiple instructions having different requested execution dates
- standing orders settings
Name | Type | Required | Description |
debtorAccount | AccountIdentification | true | Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer. |
creditTransferTransaction | [CreditTransferTransaction] | true | ISO20022: Payment processes required to transfer cash from the debtor to the creditor. API: Each ASPSP will specify a maxItems value for this field taking into accounts its specificities about payment request handling |
resourceId | ResourceId | false | Identifier assigned by the ASPSP for further use of the created resource through API calls |
paymentInformationId | PaymentInformationId | false | ISO20022 : Reference assigned by a sending party to unambiguously identify the payment information block within the message. |
creationDateTime | CreationDateTime | false | ISO20022: Date and time at which a (group of) payment instruction(s) was created by the instructing party. |
initiatingParty | PartyIdentification | false | API : Description of a Party which can be either a person or an organization. |
paymentTypeInformation | PaymentTypeInformation | false | ISO20022: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction. |
debtor | PartyIdentification | false | API : Description of a Party which can be either a person or an organization. |
debtorAgent | FinancialInstitutionIdentification | false | ISO20022: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme. |
beneficiary | Beneficiary | false | Specification of a beneficiary |
purpose | PurposeCode | false | ISO20022: Underlying reason for the payment transaction, as published in an external purpose code list. |
chargeBearer | ChargeBearerCode | false | ISO20022: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction. |
paymentInformationStatus | PaymentInformationStatusCode | false | ISO20022: Specifies the status of the payment information. |
statusReasonInformation | StatusReasonInformation | false | ISO20022: Provides detailed information on the status reason. Can only be used in status equal to "RJCT". |
fundsAvailability | FundsAvailabilityInformation | false | indicator that the payment can be covered or not by the funds available on the relevant account - true: payment is covered - false: payment is not covered |
booking | BookingInformation | false | indicator that the payment can be immediately booked or not - true: payment is booked - false: payment is not booked |
requestedExecutionDate | string(date-time) | false | ISO20022: Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment. |
Payment coverage request structure. The request must rely either on a cash account or a payment card.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
paymentCoverageRequestId | string | true | Identification of the payment Coverage Request |
instructedAmount | AmountType | true | ISO20022: structure aiming to carry either an instructed amount or equivalent amount. Both structures embed the amount and the currency to be used. API: only instructed amount can be used |
accountId | AccountIdentification | true | Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer. |
payee | string | false | The merchant where the card is accepted as information to the PSU. |
HYPERMEDIA structure used for returning the list of the available accounts to the AISP
Name | Type | Required | Description |
accounts | [AccountResource] | true | List of PSU account that are made available to the TPP |
_links | PsuContextLinks | true | Links that can be used for further navigation when browsing Account Information at top level - self: link to the list of all available accounts |
connectedPsu | string | false | Last name and first name that has granted access to the AISP on the accounts data This information can be retrieved based on the PSU's authentication that occurred during the OAUTH2 access token initialisation. |
HYPERMEDIA structure used for returning the list of the relevant balances for a given account to the AISP
Name | Type | Required | Description |
balances | [BalanceResource] | true | List of account balances |
_links | BalancesLinks | true | links that can be used for further navigation when browsing Account Information at one account level - self: link to the balances of a given account - parent-list: link to the list of all available accounts - transactions: link to the transactions of a given account |
HYPERMEDIA structure used for returning the list of the transactions for a given account to the AISP
Name | Type | Required | Description |
transactions | [Transaction] | true | List of transactions |
_links | TransactionsLinks | true | links that can be used for further navigation when browsing Account Information at one account level - self: link to the transactions of a given account - parent-list: link to the list of all available accounts - balances: link to the balances of a given account - first: link to the first page of the transactions result - last: link to the last page of the transactions result - next: link to the next page of the transactions result - prev: link to the previous page of the transactions result |
HYPERMEDIA structure used for returning the original Payment Request to the PISP
Name | Type | Required | Description |
paymentRequest | PaymentRequestResource | true | ISO20022: The PaymentRequestResource message is sent by the Creditor sending party to the Debtor receiving party, directly or through agents. It is used by a Creditor to request movement of funds from the debtor account to a creditor. API: Information about the creditor (Id, account and agent) might be placed either at payment level or at instruction level. Thus multi-beneficiary payments can be handled. The requested execution date can be placed either at payment level when all instructions are requested to be executed at the same date or at instruction level. The latest case includes: - multiple instructions having different requested execution dates - standing orders settings |
_links | PaymentRequestLinks | true | links that can be used for further navigation when having post a Payment Request in order to get the relevant status report. |
data forwarded by the ASPSP to the PISP after creation of the Payment Request resource creation
Name | Type | Required | Description |
paymentRequestResourceId | ResourceId | false | Identifier assigned by the ASPSP for further use of the created resource through API calls |
appliedAuthenticationApproach | AuthenticationApproach | false | The ASPSP, based on the authentication approaches proposed by the PISP, choose the one that it can processed, in respect with the preferences and constraints of the PSU and indicates in this field which approach has been chosen |
_links | PaymentRequestResourceCreationLinks | false | links that can be used for further navigation, especially in REDIRECT approach |
HYPERMEDIA structure used for returning the payment coverage report to the PIISP
Name | Type | Required | Description |
request | PaymentCoverageRequestResource | true | Payment coverage request structure. The request must rely either on a cash account or a payment card. |
result | boolean | true | Result of the coverage check : - true: the payment can be covered - false: the payment cannot be covered |
_links | PaymentCoverageReportLinks | true | links that can be used for further navigation to post another coverage request. |
Specification of a beneficiary
Name | Type | Required | Description |
creditorAccount | AccountIdentification | true | Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer. |
id | string | false | Id of the beneficiary |
isTrusted | boolean | false | The ASPSP having not implemented the trusted beneficiaries list must not set this flag. Otherwise, the ASPSP indicates whether or not the beneficiary has been registered by the PSU within the trusted beneficiaries list. - true: the beneficiary is actually a trusted beneficiary (when set by ASPSP) - false: the beneficiary is not a trusted beneficiary The PISP may set this flag to "true" to indicate that the PSU considers the beneficiary as trusted and to be inserted within the trusted beneficiaries list, as far as this feature was implemented by the ASPSP. - true: the beneficiary should be registered as a trusted beneficiary (when set by PISP) |
creditorAgent | FinancialInstitutionIdentification | false | ISO20022: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme. |
creditor | PartyIdentification | false | API : Description of a Party which can be either a person or an organization. |
HYPERMEDIA structure used for returning the list of the whitelisted beneficiaries
Name | Type | Required | Description |
beneficiaries | [Beneficiary] | true | List of trusted beneficiaries |
_links | BeneficiariesLinks | true | links that can be used for further navigation when browsing Account Information at one account level - self: link to the beneficiaries - parent-list: link to the list of all available accounts - first: link to the first page of the beneficiaries result - last: link to the last page of the beneficiaries result - next: link to the next page of the beneficiaries result - prev: link to the previous page of the beneficiaries result |
List of accessible accounts for one given functionality
Name | Type | Required | Description |
anonymous | [AccountIdentification] | false | List of accessible accounts for one given functionality |
Requested access services.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
balances | AccessibleAccounts | true | List of accessible accounts for one given functionality |
transactions | AccessibleAccounts | true | List of accessible accounts for one given functionality |
trustedBeneficiaries | boolean | false | Indicator that access to the trusted beneficiaries list was granted or not to the AISP by the PSU - true: the access was granted - false: the access was not granted |
psuIdentity | boolean | false | Indicator that access to the PSU identity, first name and last name, was granted or not to the AISP by the PSU - true: the access was granted - false: the access was not granted |
recurringIndicator | boolean | false | - true: the consent is for recurring access to the account data. - false: the consent is for one access to the account data. |
validUntil | string(date) | false | This parameter is requesting a valid until date for the requested consent. The content is the local ASPSP date in ISO-Date Format, e.g. 2017-10-30. Future dates might get adjusted by ASPSP. |
frequencyPerDay | integer | false | This field indicates the requested maximum frequency for an access without PSU involvement per day. For a one-off access, this attribute is set to "1". The frequency needs to be greater equal to one. |
combinedServiceIndicator | boolean | false | If "true" indicates that a payment initiation service will be addressed in the same "session". |
hypertext reference
Name | Type | Required | Description |
href | string | true | URI to be used |
templated | boolean | false | specifies "true" if href is a URI template, i.e. with parameters. Otherwise, this property is absent or set to false |
Links that can be used for further navigation when browsing Account Information at top level
- self: link to the list of all available accounts
Name | Type | Required | Description |
self | GenericLink | true | hypertext reference |
beneficiaries | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
first | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
last | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
next | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
prev | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
links that can be used for further navigation when browsing Account Information at one account level
- balances: link to the balances of a given account
- transactions: link to the transactions of a given account
Name | Type | Required | Description |
balances | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
transactions | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
links that can be used for further navigation when browsing Account Information at one account level
- self: link to the balances of a given account
- parent-list: link to the list of all available accounts
- transactions: link to the transactions of a given account
Name | Type | Required | Description |
self | GenericLink | true | hypertext reference |
parent-list | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
transactions | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
links that can be used for further navigation when browsing Account Information at one account level
- self: link to the transactions of a given account
- parent-list: link to the list of all available accounts
- balances: link to the balances of a given account
- first: link to the first page of the transactions result
- last: link to the last page of the transactions result
- next: link to the next page of the transactions result
- prev: link to the previous page of the transactions result
Name | Type | Required | Description |
self | GenericLink | true | hypertext reference |
parent-list | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
balances | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
first | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
last | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
next | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
prev | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
links that can be used for further navigation when browsing Account Information at one account level
- self: link to the beneficiaries
- parent-list: link to the list of all available accounts
- first: link to the first page of the beneficiaries result
- last: link to the last page of the beneficiaries result
- next: link to the next page of the beneficiaries result
- prev: link to the previous page of the beneficiaries result
Name | Type | Required | Description |
self | GenericLink | true | hypertext reference |
parent-list | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
first | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
last | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
next | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
prev | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
links that can be used for further navigation when having post a Payment Request in order to get the relevant status report.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
self | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
confirmation | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
links that can be used for further navigation to post another coverage request.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
self | GenericLink | true | hypertext reference |
links that can be used for further navigation, especially in REDIRECT approach
Name | Type | Required | Description |
consentApproval | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
confirmation | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
redirect | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
self | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
status | GenericLink | false | hypertext reference |
Code samples
Generic communication error report structure
Name | Type | Required | Description |
status | integer(int32) | true | HTTP error code |
message | string | true | HTTP textual reason phrase |
timestamp | string(date-time) | false | current timestamp |
error | string | false | HTTP error text |
path | string | false | Relevant path that was used |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
clientSecret | string | true | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
tppRedirectUri | string | false | none |
sandboxPaymentId | string | false | none |
sandboxSafeguard | boolean | false | none |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
clientSecret | string | true | none |
certPath | string | true | none |
keyPath | string | true | none |
signKeyPath | string | true | none |
signPubKeySerial | string | true | none |
signFingerprint | string | true | none |
signCertUrl | string | true | none |
paymentAuthRedirectUri | string | false | none |
paymentAuthState | string | false | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
refreshToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
clientSecret | string | true | none |
certPath | string | true | none |
keyPath | string | true | none |
signKeyPath | string | true | none |
signPubKeySerial | string | true | none |
signFingerprint | string | true | none |
signCertUrl | string | true | none |
tppId | string | true | none |
paymentAuthRedirectUri | string | false | none |
paymentAuthState | string | false | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
refreshToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
certPath | string | true | none |
keyPath | string | true | none |
signKeyPath | string | true | none |
signPubKeySerial | string | true | none |
signFingerprint | string | true | none |
signCertUrl | string | true | none |
tppId | string | true | none |
paymentAuthRedirectUri | string | false | none |
paymentAuthState | string | false | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
refreshToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
certPath | string | true | none |
keyPath | string | true | none |
caCertPath | string | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
psuIpAddress | string | false | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
tppRedirectUri | string | false | none |
Code samples
package com.eb.sample;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(
true, // sandbox
"put-your-client-id-here", // clientId
"put-your-client-secret-here", // clientSecret
"path/to/qseal-crt.pem", // certPath
"path/to/qseal-key.pem", // keyPath
"FI", // country
null, // accessToken
null, // refreshToken
1000, // sessionDuration
null // language
Settings for initializing ApiClient for Nordea (all countries). Credentials can obtained at Nordea Developer Portal
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | True - sandbox environmentFalse - production environment |
clientId | string | true | API client ID (obtained from Nordea Developer Portal) |
clientSecret | string | true | API client secret (obtained from Nordea Developer Portal) |
certPath | string | true | Path to Qseal certificate in PEM format. Test certificate (for accessing sandbox environment) can be downloaded from Nordea Developer Portal. |
keyPath | string | true | Path to Qseal certificate private key in PEM format. Private key in PEM format can be extracted from test certificate from Nordea Developer Portal (provided in PKCS12 format) using openssl utility: openssl pkcs12 -in source.p12 -out key.pem -nocerts -nodes |
country | string | true | Bank country (only clients from the specified will be able to authenticate). Possilbe values:FI - Finland |
accessToken | string | false | Should be specified for already authenticated users. |
refreshToken | string | false | Should be specified for already authenticated users. |
sessionDuration | integer | false | Duration of access authorization in minutes (up to 129600 minutes - 90 days). This value will be overriden with Access.validUntil if provided to getAuth call. |
language | string | false | Language of authentication user interface. If country is FI , the default language is fi |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
apiKey | string | true | none |
apiSecret | string | true | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
clientSecret | string | true | none |
certPath | string | true | none |
keyPath | string | true | none |
signKeyPath | string | true | none |
signPubKeySerial | string | true | none |
signFingerprint | string | true | none |
signCertUrl | string | true | none |
paymentAuthRedirectUri | string | false | none |
paymentAuthState | string | false | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
refreshToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
certPath | string | true | none |
keyPath | string | true | none |
signKeyPath | string | true | none |
signPubKeySerial | string | true | none |
signFingerprint | string | true | none |
signCertUrl | string | true | none |
tppId | string | true | none |
paymentAuthRedirectUri | string | false | none |
paymentAuthState | string | false | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
refreshToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
clientSecret | string | true | none |
ocpApimSubscriptionKey | string | true | none |
primaryKey | string | true | none |
secondaryKey | string | true | none |
psuIpAddress | string | false | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
tppRedirectUri | string | false | none |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
clientSecret | string | true | none |
country | string | true | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
tppRedirectUri | string | false | none |
psuIpAddress | string | false | none |
psuUserAgent | string | false | none |
Code samples
package com.eb.sample;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(
true, // sandbox
"put-your-client-id-here", // clientId
"put-your-x-api-key-here", // xApiKey
"path/to/qwac-crt.pem", // certPath
"path/to/qwac-key.pem", // keyPath
"path/to/qseal-crt.pem", // signKeyPath
"put-your-cert-public-serial-here", // signPubKeySerial
"scheme://domain/path", // paymentAuthRedirectUri
"state-value-here", // paymentAuthState
null, // accessToken
null, // refreshToken
null // consentId
Settings for initializing ApiClient for S-Pankki (Finland). Credentials can obtained at Open Banking Market operated by Crosskey Banking Solutions.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | True - sandbox environmentFalse - production environment |
clientId | string | true | API client ID (obtained at Open Banking Market) |
xApiKey | string | true | API client key (obtained at Open Banking Market) |
certPath | string | true | Path to QWAC certificate in PEM format. Test certificate (for accessing sandbox environment) can be downloaded from Open Banking Market. |
keyPath | string | true | Path to QWAC certificate private key in PEM format. |
signKeyPath | string | true | Path to QSeal certificate in PEM format. Test certificate (for accessing sandbox environment) can be downloaded from Open Banking Market. |
signPubKeySerial | string | true | Public serial key of the QSeal certificate located in signKeyPath. The serial must be presented as a decimal string. The following command can be use for extracting it from QSeal certificate in PEM format: echo "obase=10; ibase=16; `openssl x509 -in qseal-crt.pem -serial -noout | awk -F "=" '{print $2}'`" | bc |
paymentAuthRedirectUri | string | false | URI where clients are redirected to after payment authorization. |
paymentAuthState | string | false | This value returned to paymentAuthRedirectUri after payment authorization. |
accessToken | string | false | This parameter should be set for already authenticated users. |
refreshToken | string | false | This parameter should be set for already authenticated users. |
consentId | string | false | Identifier of consent for account information access given by a user. |
Code samples
package com.eb.sample;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(
true, // sandbox
"put-your-client-id-here", // clientId
"put-your-x-api-key-here", // xApiKey
"path/to/qwac-crt.pem", // certPath
"path/to/qwac-key.pem", // keyPath
"path/to/qseal-crt.pem", // signKeyPath
"put-your-cert-public-serial-here", // signPubKeySerial
"scheme://domain/path", // paymentAuthRedirectUri
"state-value-here", // paymentAuthState
null, // accessToken
null, // refreshToken
null // consentId
Settings for initializing ApiClient for Ålandsbanken (Finland). Credentials can obtained at Open Banking Market operated by Crosskey Banking Solutions.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | True - sandbox environmentFalse - production environment |
clientId | string | true | API client ID (obtained at Open Banking Market) |
xApiKey | string | true | API client key (obtained at Open Banking Market) |
certPath | string | true | Path to QWAC certificate in PEM format. Test certificate (for accessing sandbox environment) can be downloaded from Open Banking Market. |
keyPath | string | true | Path to QWAC certificate private key in PEM format. |
signKeyPath | string | true | Path to QSeal certificate in PEM format. Test certificate (for accessing sandbox environment) can be downloaded from Open Banking Market. |
signPubKeySerial | string | true | Public serial key of the QSeal certificate located in signKeyPath. The serial must be presented as a decimal string. The following command can be use for extracting it from QSeal certificate in PEM format: echo "obase=10; ibase=16; `openssl x509 -in qseal-crt.pem -serial -noout | awk -F "=" '{print $2}'`" | bc |
paymentAuthRedirectUri | string | false | URI where clients are redirected to after payment authorization. |
paymentAuthState | string | false | This value returned to paymentAuthRedirectUri after payment authorization. |
accessToken | string | false | This parameter should be set for already authenticated users. |
refreshToken | string | false | This parameter should be set for already authenticated users. |
consentId | string | false | Identifier of consent for account information access given by a user. |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
xApiKey | string | true | none |
certPath | string | true | none |
keyPath | string | true | none |
signKeyPath | string | true | none |
signPubKeySerial | string | true | Public serial key of the QSeal certificate located in signKeyPath. The serial must be presented as a decimal string. The following command can be use for extracting it from QSeal certificate in PEM format: echo "obase=10; ibase=16; `openssl x509 -in qseal-crt.pem -serial -noout | awk -F "=" '{print $2}'`" | bc |
paymentAuthRedirectUri | string | false | none |
paymentAuthState | string | false | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
refreshToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
xApiKey | string | true | none |
certPath | string | true | none |
keyPath | string | true | none |
signKeyPath | string | true | none |
signPubKeySerial | string | true | Public serial key of the QSeal certificate located in signKeyPath. The serial must be presented as a decimal string. The following command can be use for extracting it from QSeal certificate in PEM format: echo "obase=10; ibase=16; `openssl x509 -in qseal-crt.pem -serial -noout | awk -F "=" '{print $2}'`" | bc |
paymentAuthRedirectUri | string | false | none |
paymentAuthState | string | false | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
refreshToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | none |
clientId | string | true | none |
xApiKey | string | true | none |
certPath | string | true | none |
keyPath | string | true | none |
signKeyPath | string | true | none |
signPubKeySerial | string | true | Public serial key of the QSeal certificate located in signKeyPath. The serial must be presented as a decimal string. The following command can be use for extracting it from QSeal certificate in PEM format: echo "obase=10; ibase=16; `openssl x509 -in qseal-crt.pem -serial -noout | awk -F "=" '{print $2}'`" | bc |
paymentAuthRedirectUri | string | false | none |
paymentAuthState | string | false | none |
accessToken | string | false | none |
refreshToken | string | false | none |
consentId | string | false | none |
Code samples
package com.eb.sample;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(
true, // sandbox
"path/to/qwac-crt.pem", // certPath
"path/to/qwac-key.pem", // keyPath
"put-your-client-id-here", // clientId
"EE", // country
"end-user-IP-address", // psuIpAddress
null, // accessToken
null, // refreshToken
null, // consentId
null // tppRedirectUri
Settings for initializing ApiClient for SEB Estonia, SEB Latvia and SEB Lithuania. Credentials can obtained at SEB Developer Portal for Baltic countries.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | True - sandbox environmentFalse - production environment |
certPath | string | true | Path to QWAC certificate in PEM format. Test certificate (for accessing sandbox environment) can be downloaded from SEB Developer Portal. |
keyPath | string | true | Path to QWAC certificate private key in PEM format. |
clientId | string | true | API client ID (obtained from SEB Developer Portal) |
country | string | true | Bank country (only clients from the specified will be able to authenticate). Possilbe values:EE - EstoniaLV - LatviaLT - Lithuania |
psuIpAddress | string | false | IP address of a client accessing bank data through TPP. |
accessToken | string | false | This parameter should be set for already authenticated users. |
refreshToken | string | false | This parameter should be set for already authenticated users. |
consentId | string | false | Identifier of consent for account information access given by a user. |
tppRedirectUri | string | false | URI where clients are redirected to after giving consent. |
Code samples
package com.eb.sample;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(
true, // sandbox
"put-your-client-id-here", // clientId
"put-your-client-secret-here", // clientSecret
"path/to/qwac-crt.pem", // certPath
"path/to/qwac-key.pem", // keyPath
null, // accessToken
null // refreshToken
Settings for initializing ApiClient for SEB Sweden. Credentials can obtained at SEB Developer Portal.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sandbox | boolean | true | True - sandbox environmentFalse - production environment |
clientId | string | true | API client ID (obtained from SEB Developer Portal) |
clientSecret | string | true | API client secret (obtained from SEB Developer Portal) |
certPath | string | true | Path to QWAC certificate in PEM format. Test certificate (for accessing sandbox environment) is available here: https://github.com/sebgroup/openbanking/tree/master/psd2testcertificates |
keyPath | string | true | Path to QWAC certificate private key in PEM format. |
accessToken | string | false | This parameter should be set for already authenticated users. |
refreshToken | string | false | This parameter should be set for already authenticated users. |