Enable Banking Changelog | June 2024

As always if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at support.api@enablebanking.com.

Significant changes and updates

Auth Flow Widget

The Auth Flow Widget enables seamless interaction with end users during authorisation of access to account information and payment initiation directly from your application’s web page. If end-user redirection is required, the widget facilitates direct redirection to ASPSPs, bypassing the need to redirect to tilisy.enablebanking.com (or a custom domain if a dedicated single-tenant environment is used). This is especially beneficial when using the decoupled authentication approach as end users don’t have to leave the application.

For more details about the widget, please refer to our docs: https://enablebanking.com/docs/api/widgets/#auth-flow

ASPSP Status Monitoring for TPPs

Licensed companies using Enable Banking infrastructure with their own eIDAS certificates can now enjoy the same ASPSP status monitoring as those using Enable Banking’s eIDAS certificates. This enhancement ensures a consistent monitoring experience across both dedicated and shared multi-tenant environments.

Core aggregation updates

  • Added Swedish BBAN validation for creditor accounts in payments

New integrations

  • Crédit Commercial de France (FR): account information service

  • Société Générale Global Cash (AT, BE, DE, ES, FR, IT, LU, NL, PL): account information service

  • Sydjysk Sparekasse (DK): replaces integration to Frøs Sparekasse after its merge with Broager Sparekasse

  • Šiaulių Bankas (LT): migration to the new version of the bank’s API

  • Trøndelag Sparebank (NO): replaces integration to Hemne Sparebank after its merge with Åfjord Sparebank

Fixed and improved integrations

Our ongoing efforts to refine and expand our integration network ensure robust and efficient banking solutions. Check out the latest updates across our connectors:

  • Abanca (ES): Fixed the validation of the date from the parameter for business accounts

  • Abanca (ES): Handling the "contract not accessible" error when fetching business accounts

  • Ålandsbanken (FI, SE): Requesting access to the debtor (refund) account when making payment initiation

  • ASN Bank (NL): Upgraded to use payments API version 2

  • Banca Comerciala Romana (RO): Enabled production environment and updated authorization URL

  • Banco de Sabadell (ES): Handling "account not found" error

  • Banco Mediolanum (ES): Workaround for non-support of IPv6 for PSU IP addresses

  • Bank Pekao (PL): Fixed authorisation for transactions only access

  • BKS Bank (AT, SK): Fixed authorisation issues

  • Boursorama Banque (FR): Added transaction entry reference

  • Bred Banque Populaire (FR): Added handling of "expired consent" error

  • Bred Banque Populaire (FR): Fixed payment initiation requests

  • Citadele (EE, LT, LV): Fixed consent validation

  • Citi Handlowy (PL): Fixed account list fetching

  • Consorsbank (DE): Improved authorisation by validating consent status

  • Danske Bank (DK, FI, NO, SE): Requesting access to the debtor (refund) account when making payment initiation

  • DiPocket (LT): Fixed payments integration by using creditorType COMPANY instead of INDIVIDUAL

  • DNB (NO): Improved authorisation by adding consent status validation

  • Finecobank (IT): Extended maximum session validity updated to 180 days

  • Finecobank (IT): Fixed authorisation issues

  • Finecobank (IT): Fixed transactions fetching

  • Handelsbanken (SE): Removed CARDREADER auth method and marked REDIRECT method as default

  • Holvi (FI): Fixed transaction entry reference mapping

  • HSBC (EU): Changed supported PSU type to business only

  • HSBC (EU): Fixed authorisation issues

  • HSBC (EU): Fixed balances fetching

  • HSBC (EU): Maximum consent validity updated to 180 days

  • ING (AT, BE, CZ, DE, ES, IT, LU, NL, RO): Skipping country selection during authorisation

  • Intesa Sanpaolo (IT): Adjusted brand names and logos

  • K&H (HU): Fixed transactions fetching failing under certain conditions

  • KBC (BE): Improved authorisation flow by removing required IBAN input

  • Klarna (DE, SE): Removed PSU-type business as the bank does not provide API for access to business accounts

  • Länsförsäkringar (SE): Improved transactions fetching when strategy=longest is used

  • Marginalen Bank (SE): Fixed card accounts fetching

  • Mock ASPSP: Extended maximum session validity to 180 days

  • NEXI Payments (IT): Fetching card accounts only

  • Nordea (DK, FI, NO, SE): Improved error handling when using invalid “date from”

  • Nordea (DK, FI, NO, SE): Recognising "confirmed" transactions as PDNG instead of BOOK

  • Nordea (SE): Staying on the BankID link when a mobile device is used to authenticate

  • Paysera (EE, LT, LV): Added PSU headers handling and improved rate limit error handling

  • Permanent TSB (IE): Mapped the mandate ID data

  • Raiffeisen (HU): Fixed continuation key handling

  • Raiffeisen (LU): Fixed getting transactions and improved remittance information mapping

  • Raiffeisen Bank (AT): Improved authorization process to work without IBAN input

  • RegioBank (NL): Upgraded to use payments API version 2

  • S-Pankki (FI): Requesting access to the debtor (refund) account when making payment initiation

  • SEB (EE, LT, LV): Upgraded integration to use new authorization URLs

  • SNS Bank (NL): Upgraded to use payments API version 2

  • Fixed card accounts fetching for ASPSPs using Luxhub as their API provider

Integrations extended

  • apoBank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • Bankhaus Faisst (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • Bankhaus Lampe (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • BankhausWerhahn (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • Bethmann Bank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • Buddy Bank (IT): Add integration for SEPA and INST_SEPA payments

  • Bundesbank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • Consorsbank: Add integration for SEPA and CROSSBORDER payments

  • Degussa Bank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • Eihbank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • HSBC (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • HypoVereinsbank (DE): Add integration for SEPA and INST_SEPA payments

  • Isbank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • Merck Finck (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • MUFG Bank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • National-Bank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • ODDO BHF Bank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • Sydbank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • Targobank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • UniCredit (IT): Add integration for SEPA and INST_SEPA payments

  • UniCredit Bank (SI): Add integration for SEPA and INST_SEPA payments

  • UniCredit Bank Austria (AT): Add integration for SEPA and INST_SEPA payments

  • Volkswagen Bank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

  • Ziraat Bank (DE): Added integration for SEPA payments

Integrations removed

  • Broager Sparekasse (DK): Removed as after merging with Frøs Sparekasse, the API of Broager Sparekasse became unavailable

  • CTT (PT): Removed due to transition to a new platform provider

  • Hemne Sparebank (NO), Åfjord Sparebank (NO): Removed due to merge into Trøndelag Sparebank

  • Targobank (ES): Removed as after merging with Abanca, the API of Targobank became unavailable


If I had a bank...


Enable Banking Changelog | May 2024