Enable Banking Changelog | May 2024

As always if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at support.api@enablebanking.com.

Significant changes and updates

Support for BankID’s Secure Start

Sweden has recently implemented "Secure Start" for BankID. Secure Start adds an extra layer of security to e-services by verifying a user's identity through animated QR codes scanned on a mobile device.

Here at Enable Banking, we updated all BankID connections to ensure our service end users could continue using our service without interruption. The challenge for us was adapting to how our clients' users access our service. 

Here's how it works for different users:

Our solution recognizes the user's device and provides the appropriate option:

  • Desktop Users: You'll now see an updated animated QR code that can be scanned using the BankID app.

  • Mobile Users: Simply launch the BankID app for quick authentication.


Seamless Rollout:

We successfully rolled out these updates across all necessary environments, ensuring a smooth transition for our clients and their users.

Core aggregation changes

  • Added new values to AuthUrlType: REDIRECT, IFRAME, APP, IMAGE_LINK, IMAGE_RENDER, IMAGE_B64

  • Added new values to AuthDataItem: otpIndex, message, APP, IMAGE_LINK, IMAGE_RENDER, IMAGE_B64

  • Updated exception: added url and authData fields to MakeTokenException and PaymentConfirmationException

  • Added remittanceReferenceSupported field to paymentType

New integrations

  • Imagin (EU): Separate integration accessing CaixaBank for users of the imagin app

Fixed and improved integrations

Our ongoing efforts to refine and expand our integration network ensure robust and efficient banking solutions. Check out the latest updates across our connectors:

  • AIB (IE): Map the mandateId to the referenceNumber field

  • Aachener Bank (DE): Improve error validation

  • Aachener Bank (DE): Update the consent status in the makeToken

  • BNP Paribas (FR): Fix payment body

  • BRD (RO): Fix consent creation request

  • CBIGlobe (EU): Fix accounts data mapping

  • Epirus Bank (GR): Fix authorization request

  • Handelsbanken (SE): Fix sandbox

  • Intesa Sanpaolo Bank (SI): Fix the credentials validation and hint and validUntil

  • K&H (HU): Disable response id validation

  • K&H (HU): Fix booking date and value date data mapping

  • K&H (HU): Fix fetching transactions

  • Marginalen Bank (SE): Upgrade to API version v2 and add the QR auth method

  • mBank (PL): Improve account balances parsing

  • Nordea (DK, FI, NO, SE): Implement Bank ID secure start changes

  • Nordea First Card (DK, FI, NO, SE): Fix authentication methods handling

  • Nordea Corporate (DK, FI, NO, SE): Update transactions fetching API

  • OKQ8 Bank (SE): Fix accounts datamapping

  • OP (FI): Fix redundant entry references

  • OP (FI): Return debtor account and name in getPaymentRequest

  • Orange Bank (FR): Fix the TPP-Redirect-URI header

  • OTP Bank (HU): Upgrade to new transactions endpoint

  • PayPal (AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK): Fix fetching transactions

  • PKO Bank Polski (PL): Fix fetching account details

  • PolishAPI (PL): Improve authorization request for balances or transactions in Access

  • Rabobank (NL): Fix validation of responses for token refresh requests to detect expired consents

  • Raiffeisen Landesbank Suedtirol (IT): Fix signature certificate format

  • Redsys (ES): Improve error validation

  • Salt Edge (EU): Fix NPE in validateDataRetrievalResponse

  • SBAB Bank (SE): Fix token refresh

  • SBAB Bank (SE): Implement Bank ID secure start changes

  • SDC (DK): Improve remittance information mapping for PIS

  • SEB (SE): Add fetching account details through dedicated endpoint

  • SEB (SE): Implement Bank ID secure start changes

  • SEB (SE): Upgrade payments to API version v8

  • SIBSBaseV4 (PT): Fix continuation key handling

  • Svea Bank (SE): Fix getting card transactions

  • Svea Bank (SE) & SveaBankBusiness (SE): Handle null balance response

  • Wizink (ES): Upgrade to version v1.1

  • WorldlineBase (EU): Fix the paymentId

Extended integrations

  • DiPocket (LT): Added PIS integration (SEPA, DOMESTIC, CROSSBORDER)

Removed integrations

  • Sbanken (NO): Removed as they merged with another bank


Enable Banking Changelog | June 2024


Enable Banking Changelog | April 2024