Enable Banking aggregation core

Get direct connection to banks and most of your TPP license with our on-premise aggregation core.

Get started

Why to choose?

  • fine-tune for your environment
  • available in
    different languages
  • direct access to bank APIs
  • users see who accesses their data
  • no data exposed to
    3rd parties
  • available in source code
Predictable costs
  • automatic updates
    and new APIs
  • low transactional costs


We believe that integrating Open Banking should be easy and painless, so we put a lot of effort into making our aggregation core developer-friendly. You don’t need to worry about difference of bank APIs, our library automatically converts all data and interaction logic to one simple interface.

import com.enablebanking.ApiClient;
import com.enablebanking.api.AuthApi;
import com.enablebanking.model.ConnectorSettings;
import com.enablebanking.model.NordeaConnectorSettings;

// Initialize settings.
ConnectorSettings settings = new NordeaConnectorSettings()

// Create client instance.
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(settings);

// Create authentication interface.
AuthApi authApi = new AuthApi(apiClient);

// Get authentication URL.
String authUrl = authApi.getAuth(
    "test", // state to pass to redirect URL
    null // no access parameter (requesting consent for default AISP scope)
Test with one sandbox connector
Java JavaScript Python
Choose a connector you want to try, on board to the corresponding sandbox and start prototyping.
If you are not sure what connector to pick, I'll find some tips in our blog post «Which PSD2 sandbox is the best to get started with?»
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Got questions? Contact usinfo@enablebanking.com

Should you have any questions regarding testing or operating integration with live APIs?

We are happy to assist whether you have a legal question, are looking for a business case or concerned about a security matter.